
Warwick ranked 21st most international university in the world for 2019

The University of Warwick is the 21st most international institution in the world, according to the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2019.  41% of Warwick’s 19,649 students are international and come from over 150 countries, most significantly from China, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Furthermore, 42% of all staff...
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By , Mar. 31, 2019

How to know when to break up with a book

It’s always difficult to know when you should give a book a second chance and when you should just give up. I feel like I’m at the stage now where I should just give up reading Gail Honeyman’s Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. I bought the book last year, two...
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By , Mar. 31, 2019

Reflecting on our time with The Boar (II)

In our second and final edition, some of our outgoing Editors (and Social Secretary!) share their experiences of working with The Boar and ultimately, what the paper has meant to them. With this being our final edition of these testimonials, I think it’s long overdue to give both a huge congratulations and...
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By , Mar. 30, 2019