Fireworks/ Image: DESIGNECOLOGIST/ pexels

2025 Boar Resolutions

We at The Boar are no strangers to the yearly ritual that sweeps the nation and lasts just as long as a pint of purple at a circle. Whether a New Year’s resolution lasts for the entire year or just the first few weeks of January, we’ve decided to join in with the fun and make our own attempts at self-improvement:

Abigail Mableson, Arts Editor – My New Year’s resolution is to graduate from University feeling I have made the most out of my Warwick experience. Although this is really a half resolution, as I graduate in June, there is plenty of time to get out there and try some new things! I also want to complete the Whole Hog challenge before Martin Day – consider this a threat…

Naomi Pandey, Deputy Books Editor – Live in the moment, whenever I can. I’ve noticed I’m always worried about the future, and that I struggle to cherish what I have around me: friends, food, animals, nature, books, media, knowledge, and experiences. This year, I’ve realised that in moderate doses, spontaneity can be therapeutic. The future is also important and I will never not think about it, but also, the future will definitely be better if I treat my life in the present better.

Nikolai Morton, Deputy News Editor – In the last few years, I feel like I’ve been living too much of my life on my phone. Instagram and TikTok ‘doomscrolling’ has stolen too much of my time. This year, I’d like to be more offline, whether that’s rekindling my childhood reading obsession, getting outside more, leaving more time for university work, or spending more time with friends. Mindfulness can do everyone a world of good.

Gabrielle Welch, Features Editor – In 2024, I spent a great deal of term time ill. Common cold, freshers flu, entry-level sickness. This year, I’m keeping my water bottle by side and popping vitamin C tablets like tic-tacs. I resolve to get sick less.

Hasan Islam, Deputy Podcasts Editor – Stop moaning about my course to housemates, course-mates, and especially my personal tutor.

Parijat Bhattacherjee, Film Editor – To finally lock in and do my degree and hopefully find future employment. Also, to read more!

Hannah Colechin, Travel Sub-Editor – Have you ever been in a group conversation and had to shrink back in embarrassment when a classic film is mentioned that you’ve never seen? “Have you ever watched Jaws?” Nope. “You’ve never seen Lord of the Rings?!” Sorry, I haven’t. “You have to have seen The Notebook.” Not at all. So, my New Year’s resolution is simple: watch more films. That way, when these conversations come up, I can actually contribute without putting myself to shame.

Martin Day, News Editor – Last year on a night out, I lost my keys and my glasses, fell into a stream, and ultimately had to sleep in the library – so I suppose really my resolution should be not to repeat that ever again. It doesn’t sound particularly fun though, so I’ll probably just run a half-marathon or something.

Yusra Babar, Deputy Editor-in-Chief (Communications) – To use up all my yarn before I buy new yarn for my projects. No yarn left behind this year!

Odette Dyer, Lifestyle Editor – I don’t normally make New Year’s resolutions. However, I would like to try to be more sociable this year.

Helen Trappelides, Deputy Film Editor – Learn how to ride a bike at my big age of 19.

Gabriela Józefowicz, Games Editor – My resolution is to travel more (while wearing my Boar hoodie ofc) and write more game reviews/articles in general!

Jack Kingston, Deputy Sport Editor – Write an article every week!

Abhay Venkitaraman, Finance Editor – Eat breakfast every day! I often skip breakfast to save time, particularly during term. However, whenever I eat three meals a day I generally find myself feeling more energetic and less irritable. Having a meal every morning will ensure I start every day of 2025 on the right note – and it’s an incremental enough resolution that I can feasibly stick to it all throughout the year.

James Watson, Travel Editor – To face my fears in big and small ways and to see more in the moment and finding beauty by knowing where to look.

Meera Nair, Deputy Music Editor – To wake up before 12pm.

Ruby Deakin, Opinion Editor – I’m never in the habit of sticking to my resolutions, but this year I want to try at least one new thing every week!

Anna Bickerton, Deputy Editor-in-Chief (Digital Media) – After completing the mammoth task of pressing a few buttons every day to achieve a 365-day Duolingo streak in Irish (Gaeilge), I’d like to continue my commitment to learning it in 2025. Ideally, I’ll reach a point of fluency where I wouldn’t embarrass myself ordering a pint in Connemara. And perhaps to pursue another language that might prove more practical – Arabic, maybe.

Lucy Gibbons, Music Editor – To try and read more books outside of my required reading and to discover some more local bands!

Ben Tanguy, Deputy Sub-Editor – Having single-handedly kept Rootes in business this year with excessive coffee purchases, I’m aiming to reduce my caffeine consumption in 2025 — no doubt the existential dread inflicted by the sight of the Forum every morning will keep me awake instead. These savings will go towards more worthwhile investments, like a bottle of Echo Falls, or an Uber when the U1 is inevitably cancelled.

Nikita Bavisha, Climate Editor – This coming year, I would like to be committed to my knitting! I always start, do it for a couple of minutes, and then get bored. I would love to make a piece of clothing this year – maybe a jumper for my dog!

Katie Bevan, Chief Sub-Editor – I have come to the realisation that my wardrobe is seriously lacking in colour (like seriously – no girl needs that many navy jumpers and white tees). So, my New Year’s resolution is to start dressing more colourfully. Think pink jumpers and lemon mini-skirts; if I don’t look like there was a mishap at a gelateria then I’ll have failed!

Tom Ryan, Deputy News Editor – Every year, I tell myself that I’m going to be more ‘adventurous’. The problem is, I never define what ‘adventurous’ is. So, this year, I want to set myself 12 ‘adventurous’ things that I will aim to try – things I’ve never tried before, and maybe would have never thought to try! I’ve missed out on opportunities for too long by playing things safe! (In other words, this is also a call out for any suggestions on adventures for 2025).

Abbie Fox, Head of Social Media – To use my phone less! The screen time is getting too much and I would say my resolution is to delete TikTok, but let’s be real, we all know that’s not happening…

Zahra Jazmina, Deputy Lifestyle Editor – Learn the mysteries of Microsoft Excel in hopes of appearing slightly more employable than my creative writing degree. Will it work? (probably not.) My second goal is to ignore negativity and look toward delusion to save some sanity. In which case, I believe I will absolutely be employable.

Jesse Hitt, Deputy Editor-in-Chief (Physical Media) – To write an article for The Boar 0_o

Mairi Humphreys, Deputy News Editor – Complete my first marathon!

Rachel Gore, Sport Editor – I want to read for fun during the uni term as well as in the holidays. I also want to go to as many sports fixtures as possible, and make sure a few of them aren’t football games!

Luke Chapman, (Co-)Editor-in-Chief – I want to graduate and prove Rishi Sunak wrong about English Literature degrees. I’d also like to leave The Boar in a safe pair of hands (or shall I say trotters?), and hopefully win Best Publication at the SPA nationals. There’s only so long we can say we’ve won it before people start asking, “When?”… Other goals of mine include getting a job and, within reason, avoiding confrontation with the SU, the Warwick Tab, and the University Press Office. Standard stuff, really!

Hayden Waller, TV Editor – Watch more TV. It’s becoming embarrassing how often people start talking about a new show which I, the TV Editor, have never even heard of.

Archie Clarke, (Co-)Editor-in-Chief – To be a third of the man Reece Goodall is.


Wishing you a Happy New Year and a wonderful 2025 – from all of us at The Boar.


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