Abhay Venkitaraman

As climate change rages, the Green Party gains ground in England

With traditional party loyalties eroding by the day, Britain’s electorate is becoming ever more fragmented and volatile, undermining the two-party duopoly. This is exemplified by the rise of Britain’s burgeoning Green Party. Since 2019, the Party has enjoyed record levels of electoral success, with its tally of elected councillors rising...
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Posted Jul. 3, 2024

The vexing question of mandatory vaccines

Alongside the myriad crises Britain is currently being buffeted with, the UK is experiencing yet another one: the measles crisis. Cases of the disease in England and Wales surged beyond 1,600 in 2023 – double the number in 2019. With a measles outbreak currently plaguing the West Midlands, the UK’s...
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Posted Feb. 6, 2024

The rise and fall of ‘Red Warwick’

The 1970s were a period of profound economic, social, and political upheaval – and the trends of the time clearly manifested within Warwick’s student activism scene. The era was replete with protests, rent strikes, and occupations of university buildings, to the point that the university was branded ‘Red Warwick’. Warwick...
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Posted Dec. 10, 2023

Activists protest Warwick event featuring gender-critical speaker

Activists from Warwick Anti-Sexism Society (WASS) protested an event featuring Nina Power, a gender-critical writer and philosopher who has previously faced allegations of transphobia. The event, which took place on November 21, was organised by Warwick Speak Easy: a non-SU-affiliated society that regularly hosts political discussions and speaker events. Power...
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Posted Nov. 23, 2023