Sarah Smith

Playlists within books – a hit or a flop?

If I asked you to think about what reading looks like, you would probably picture a bookworm flipping through the pages of a book (or scrolling through an ebook) in a library or a similarly quiet space. But what if I told you that reading can involve your ears as...
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Posted May. 1, 2024

Enemies to lovers: an in-depth exploration of a popular trope

Ah, enemies-to-lovers: it’s perhaps the most contentious romance trope of all, but that’s what makes it so enthralling. Although a mainstay of romance novels, it has also made its way into other genres: fantasy, classics and historical fiction to name a few. It keeps the reader on the edge of...
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Posted Mar. 25, 2024

My Five Favourite Festive Songs

It’s that time of year again – the time of candy canes and warm gingerbread, the time of Santa and snowmen (let’s hope we get snow this year!). And what would Christmas be without the same sixty or so festive songs played on repeat for the whole of December? For...
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Posted Dec. 16, 2022

Warwickshire County Council priorities sustainability in its new Council Plan, pledging net zero emissions by 2030

Warwickshire County Council’s (WCC) new Council Plan has placed sustainability as one of its key priorities. Their aim is to move to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. They wish to develop a transport network that utilises green technology and to encourage more sustainable journeys by bike, foot or public transport. 
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Posted Apr. 20, 2022