Ravi Maini

Likes on X now hidden: is anonymity really the answer?

The decision by X (formerly Twitter) to anonymise users’ likes on the platform last month came as quite a surprise to many people. The Washington Post described it as “the end of an era”. This move, which doesn’t actually usher in complete anonymity, as post authors can still see who...
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Posted Jul. 19, 2024

Where has the ‘debate’ in TV debates gone?

We’re now under one week from the general election, and the campaign is at fever pitch. After 24 hours or so of feverish speculation, Rishi Sunak announced an election as dark clouds, quite literally, gathered above Downing Street. Channels from the BBC, to ITV and Channel 4 then rushed to...
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Posted Jul. 2, 2024

Recording lectures: who should get to decide?

Lectures. A building block of university learning, without which student timetables across the country would almost certainly be incomplete. Whilst far from homogenous, they often introduce a topic, consider contested definitions, and set out key themes. It is precisely the subjectivity, the malleability of lectures as a learning tool that...
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Posted Dec. 20, 2023