Jack Thompson

Brat girl summer

Charli XCX released her sixth studio album, Brat, on 7 June, and in turn, has unleashed a cultural phenomenon which has spread like wildfire since the release. This has culminated into what is commonly referred to as ‘brat girl summer’. But what is a ‘brat girl summer’? More importantly, how...
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Posted Jul. 28, 2024

2024 festival fashion trends

Glastonbury — the largest and most renowned music festival in the UK — has just passed, alongside several other festivals such as Download and the Isle of Wight Festival. Therefore, it has become undeniable that festival season has taken full force in the UK. With Wireless and All Points East...
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Posted Jul. 8, 2024

Aesthetics and subcultures

Subculture refers to an ethnic, regional, economic or social group exhibiting characteristic patterns of behaviour sufficient to distinguish it from others within an embracing culture or society. Aesthetics, however, have little cohesion beyond a loose ‘look and feel’ – which entails a lack of uniformity in music, politics and worldview....
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Posted May. 11, 2024