Caleb Tye

Lib Dems condemn “war on the younger generation”, and vow to abolish voter ID

The Liberal Democrats have pledged to “lead the charge” in abolishing the need for voter ID at elections, as they condemn what they describe as a “war on the younger generation”. Daisy Cooper, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats, claimed the Conservative Party was using “young people as a political...
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Posted Jun. 19, 2024

Education reduces risk of death, study finds

A new study has revealed that those who spend longer in school or university have an increased life expectancy on average. The findings come from The Lancet Public Health journal which says that mortality risk decreases by 2% for each year spent in full-time education. The research compared the effects of...
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Posted Feb. 10, 2024

New rules introduced for international students in the UK

Changes to visa rules have been implemented in the UK, being in place from 1 January 2024 onwards. The new rules stipulate that unless they are enrolled in a PhD or postgraduate research programme, any international students starting their courses will be forbidden from bringing their partner or children to...
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Posted Jan. 11, 2024