Image: UnSplash

The English Teacher

When introduced to the whole year,
Timidity was shown.
Your brief remarks were hard to hear –
Who you are wasn’t known.
But that genuineness proved sweet,
I felt we were in for a treat.

And yes, after some fine classes
‘Twas clear you were elite!
Your literature grasp surpasses
All those you kindly meet.
You showed us the beauty in words,
With my passion for writing spurred.

Upon knowing that we share tastes –
Felt I was truly heard;
As if, amidst the fact’ry waste,
There were just two fond birds.
By then, I knew you touched my heart,
Always having a sacred part.

Your value expands day-by-day
As we remain apart.
It’s sad the results left me grey
When I had to depart.
But our time leaves me very glad;
You’re the best the school’s ever had!


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