Local girl solves Uni maths puzzle

A thirteen-year-old girl from Wolverhampton has recently won a maths competition set by Professor Ian Stewart, one of Britain’s leading mathematicians based at the University of Warwick.

The competition, set for the International Gateway for Gifted Youth, an organisation aimed at the brightest and most creative young people from around the world, involved solving three mathematical puzzles selected from Professor Stewart’s new book, _Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities_, in the shortest possible time.

Jenny Taylor, the winner, was the quickest out of three to solve the problems. For her achievement she received a signed copy of Professor Stewart’s book. The other two runner-ups were from Britain and Singapore.

The book was a huge Christmas hit, selling over 36,000 copies. Contained within it are various mathematical problems Professor Stewart has thought of over the years.

Professor Stewart, a recipient of the 1995 Michael Faraday Medal, has recently been awarded the inaugural Christopher Zeeman medal, awarded jointly by The London Mathematical Society and The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications “in recognition of his wide-ranging and highly influential activities in promoting mathematics”.


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