Angel Sun

Vice-chancellors warned to take action against ‘antisemitism crisis’ on campuses

University vice-chancellors have been warned that they must take action against what has been described as “the worst antisemitism crisis” on campuses in a generation. At a meeting in Downing Street on 9 May the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, as well as the Education Secretary, Gillian Keegan, the Communities Secretary,...
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Posted May. 20, 2024

Overseas students wrongly accused of cheating take legal action

Overseas students wrongly accused of cheating in the study visa English language tests have taken legal action against the Home Office, seeking compensation for unlawful detention and loss of earnings. In 2014, the Home Office cancelled visas for approximately 35,000 international students after a BBC documentary revealed widespread cheating in...
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Posted Mar. 2, 2024

UK universities expected to face financial pressures following drop in international students

Many UK universities are expected to fall into financial deficit because of a huge decrease in international students, following government reforms to immigration policies.   Vivienne Stern, the Chief Executive of Universities UK, said the sector faced a “serious overcorrection” as the new measures are likely to discourage international students from...
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Posted Feb. 15, 2024

International student admissions to be reviewed after foundation year controversy

Britain’s university admissions process will be reviewed following concerns about the recruitment of international students with low grades. Universities UK (UUK), which represents 142 of the country’s higher education institutions, said it would review the recruitment system to ensure it is “fair, transparent and robust”. It follows accusations that universities...
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Posted Feb. 11, 2024