Image: Warwick Media Library

Warwick enters top 10 of Complete University Guide 2025

The University of Warwick has risen one place to take the 10th spot in the Complete University Guide 2025.

The University rose since last year’s rankings to enter the top 10, overtaking Lancaster University which came in at 11th. As last year, the University of Cambridge ranked in first, with Oxford placing a close second. Warwick narrowly missed out on beating University College London (UCL), who placed ninth in the league table.

The University achieved 84% in the Guide’s overall score, ranking it seventh among the prestigious Russell Group universities. Scores were broken down into four categories: entry standards, student satisfaction, research quality, and graduate prospects. Warwick achieved 81%, 80%, 86%, and 88%, respectively, all scores that placed within the top 20 of the country’s universities.

The Complete University Guide rates 130 of the UK’s higher education institutions in these categories, working with the universities themselves and other relevant organisations to provide the information. They first published the rankings in 2007, and the guide has since become a well-known annual installation in the academic world.

The University of Warwick has performed consistently in the past five years, having dropped out of the top 10 for the first time in the 2020 rankings. It has since fluctuated between 9th and 11th place. 

A statement by the University highlighted the consistency of this year’s ranking with Warwick’s placement in other publications, saying: “The Complete University Guide rankings follow on from Top 10 ratings in the most recent rankings of the Guardian University Guide (9th), The Times Good University Guide (10th) and The Daily Mail University Guide (7th).”

This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our community

Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor

Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor of Warwick said: “We are pleased to see Warwick’s continued progress in the Complete University Guide rankings. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our community in delivering exceptional education and research outcomes.”

He added: “As we look to the future, we remain committed to providing an inclusive and transformative educational experience that prepares students for success in an ever-changing world.”


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