Anna Bickerton / The Boar

BREAKING: Pro-Palestinian protesters set up camp on Warwick piazza

Student protestors affiliated with the group Warwick Stands With Palestine have ‘occupied’ the campus piazza overnight.

At about 1am on 26 April, a group of students identifying as members of ‘Warwick Stands With Palestine‘ set up tents on the Warwick campus piazza. The Boar understands that the demonstration is timed to coincide with the University’s offer-holder day on Saturday 27 April to pressure the University into agreeing to their demands.

Warwick Stands With Palestine pitches itself as a “coalition of student and staff organisations” concerned with Palestinian statehood and the ongoing war in Gaza. It has called for the University to cut ties with companies they describe as funding ‘genocide’ perpetrated by Israel in its continuing war in Gaza. In particular, the group has singled out Rolls-Royce, Moog, and BAE Systems.

Adorned in keffiyehs and Palestinian flags, the camp featured a banner reading ‘Apartheid Off Campus’. At 1:30am, nine protesters could be seen, all dressed in black and wearing masks to protect their identities.

The Boar spoke to one student protestor, who wished to stay anonymous. The student expressed that the protesters had been ‘invigorated’ by the recent wave of controversial encampments across US universities, most notably Columbia. However, they said they had been intending to take action anyway. Whilst long-term plans for the group’s protest are yet to be communicated, they emphasised the targeting of an offer-holder day due to be held at the University of Warwick this Saturday.

The group has also demanded that the University aid in the reconstruction of educational institutions in Gaza after the end of the current war, and ask for a ‘reimagining’ of university education. We expect a full statement from ‘Warwick Stands With Palestine’ in the next 24 hours detailing their intentions.

The Community Safety team were informed that all protestors involved were Warwick students. The University of Warwick was not warned of this action in advance.

Comments (2)

  • Any attempt by the Boar to learn about and print the views of Israeli students to this?

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