Courtesy of Netflix © 2023

‘Goodbye, You’: Netflix’s season finale demonises mental illness

A major plot twist concerning the main character, Joe Goldberg, cemented You as the most popular TV show on Netflix in March 2022, with the latest instalment garnering 75.8M viewing hours in under a week. But was the shock value of revealing Joe had Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), an incredibly misunderstood condition, worth the damage it has done to people who have the same disorder?  

The latest season of You, a show which has garnered millions of viewers since it debuted in 2018, attempted to throw fans for a loop by revealing the main character has DID. This reveal meant the mysterious murder that had been central to the season’s plot had been committed by one of Joe’s ‘alters’ and he had no memory of the event occurring. Aside from being unoriginal — the same plot device was famously used in Fight Club, as well as other movies — the twist has contributed to a harmful media stereotype. It suggests that DID systems* are violent, cruel, and a danger to others around them, resulting in audiences misunderstanding what it means to have DID.  

DID, which was previously called ‘multiple personality disorder’, is caused by systematic abuse at a very early age. This abuse interferes with the development of the brain and results in several different identities, commonly known as ‘alters’, forming rather than one. These identities usually have conflicting experiences and memories, as they will often experience amnesia when another alter is ‘fronting’. In the case of You, one alter may commit violent crimes but the rest of the alters have no memory of it, as they weren’t involved in the event.  

the demonisation of mental illness onscreen contributes to already negative stereotypes and subconsciously reinforces them in the mind of the viewer

However, depictions like this play on myths and misconceptions about DID in order to create entertainment for the general public. For example, Netflix shows You and Ratched suggest DID systems are prone to violence — in fact, research shows that they’re more likely to be victimised (having already been subjected to childhood abuse) and tend to harm themselves, not others. 

Unsurprisingly, DID isn’t the only condition that has been used to ‘shock’ viewers. Schizophrenia, which is also excluded from public discourses about mental health, has suffered the same misrepresentation. Shows like Bates Motel and American Horror Story create the image of the uninhibited, dangerous schizophrenic whose disorder drives them to commit bizarre and bloody crimes. 

Some critics might argue the depiction of mental illnesses onscreen doesn’t matter, as the purpose is to entertain, and viewers can separate what they see on TV from reality. Therefore, someone watching You wouldn’t automatically think every DID system is dangerous and prone to violence. However, the demonisation of mental illness onscreen contributes to already negative stereotypes and subconsciously reinforces them in the mind of the viewer — the more people see DID depicted as harmful to the others, the more they might accept this as fact. It could also deter people from seeking diagnosis or treatment, due to the negative stigma, or worry that their mental illness makes them ‘dangerous’ to others  

Additionally, it’s rare to see DID or schizophrenia represented outside of the context of a murderer, psychiatric patient, or both. TV shows only choose to depict these disorders when they want to shock or frighten the audience, rather than incorporating them into shows about everyday life, but the truth is plenty of people with these disorders live normal lives.   

If the television industry doesn’t stop treating the mentally ill like circus acts, performing perverted tricks for the entertainment of the ‘normies’, I’m switching off

What we see on TV matters. A 2014 study found the general public considered people with schizophrenia to be dangerous and unpredictable. The same study found that stigmatised beliefs were centred on three main factors, regardless of disorder: negative stereotypes, patient blame, and inability to recover. It seems unlikely that every person in the study knew someone with schizophrenia personally, which raises the question of where they would get these ideas from: the media, of course.   

With millions of people tuning in to watch You, TV shows have a large influence over what people think and that comes with a responsibility to depict mental illnesses with care. Although many were thrilled by the season four twist, it’s unlikely the charities and activists working to undo decades’ worth of misrepresentation were among them. If the television industry doesn’t stop treating the mentally ill like circus acts, performing perverted tricks for the entertainment of the ‘normies’, I’m switching off.  

* Many DID systems have cited the preference of being referred to as a plural, as ‘person with DID’ suggests that one alter is more important than the others.  

Comments (6)

  • Personally I don’t think Joe has DID. From what we’ve seen in season 4, his symptoms appear closer to schizophrenia and erotomania.
    That’s just my take though.

    • Also, the main character in Fight Club has schizophrenia not DID. People with DID do not interact with their alters outside of their Inner World.

  • Robot Rabbit

    Thank you so much for this important article! I hope writers will take note. They can’t use the killer transvestite trope anymore… I also hear too often the term schizophrenia used to describe DID.

  • Joe developed DID because he struggled to accept that he was a serial killer. In the first 4 seasons Joe’s intentions are to be a better person but he continously makes poor choices, driven by his obsessive behaviours. Personally I thought that the DID storyline made a lot of sense. I don’t believe it’s demonising mental health. It demonstrates that poor mental health will decline rapidly if not addressed or treated.
    Most movies or TV shows use mental health conditions to tell a story for the sake of entertainment. YOU isn’t promoted as educational or factional. It’s a horror soap opera. I would argue that the vast majority of viewers will understand that it’s a piece of fiction.
    Personally I watched S5 when it was released, I enjoyed the silliness of it. Joe living in a huge flat in South Kensington on a part time lecture wage, rubbing shoulders with London’s elite, somehow being able to build another glass cage, meeting another woman who is willing to have a relationship with a serial killer helping him to get away with it.. Rest assured, not once did I think, oh those people with DID are very evil, like that character in that old movie from 30 yeaes ago, what was it called, Fight Club.
    This DID argument is literally just drama for the sake of it, just like Netflix series!

    • it doesnt matter if its fictional, the demonising of DID has genuine effects on people in the real world wether you realise it or not. its outdated and annoying

  • Elena Morton

    It is perfectly obvious that this man had a mental health issue as a mentally healthy person would not have done the depraved things he did for the reasons he did them (which we were advised of throughout due to the voice-over). This is a ridiculous article choosing to take offence where there is none. This was a programme about a person who did evil things for insane reasons because he was insane. Other programmes depict characters with no obvious mental health issue who are just not very nice people. It would be ridiculous to take offence to that too. People should be able to make art about bad people as well as good people irrespective of whether the people have health difficulties. Focus more on the underrepresentation of neuro-aytipical characters in TV. There are some lovable examples – but I meet more neuroatypical people in life than TV would suggest.

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