Why you should join…Climbing
Conquer your fears
Fear heights, fear falling, fear failure? Climbing will help you conquer these fears and become master of your own mind. Under safe and controlled conditions you will gradually learn to turn off your lizard brain and become a fully fledged human. Climbing will put hair on your chest, lead in your pencil, and make you ‘ard as nails.
Skills for life
Climbing instills essential skills for living: teamwork, problem solving, self-confidence, courage and conviction. Plus you will get taught to climb safely, for free! You won’t find that sort of deal after graduating!
Improve your strength
Climbing is full body exercise. You’re holding yourself onto the wall, going toe-to-toe with gravity. It can be quite taxing, but it will make you strong. Warwick is the only university with a full size climbing wall on its campus. It also boasts the infamous, the legendary, Panel 3 bouldering wall. Spend a term or two in there and watch yourself transform from dad bod to demi-god.
Make great friends
Nothing builds friendships faster than literally entrusting your entire life and existence into others’ hands. Our club nights held 3 times a week are a great way to meet and train with others of similar skill level and progress in the sport together, as well as learn from more experienced climbers; combined with a jam-packed social calendar you are sure to make friends you will keep for the rest of your life.
Escape into nature
The club organises regular weekend trips into the great outdoors, frequenting the rock paradises of the Peak District, Wales and the South Coast. Put your newfound skills and strength to work on real rock; it’s physically impossible to be any more in touch with nature, you are literally grabbing onto it! Club members also organise informal day trips to local climbing hotspots. Escape the bubble, reconnect with reality, and think of the instagram photos.
Vanquish your rivals
Like the idea of crushing the dreams of students from other universities and humiliating them in front of their peers? The club team regularly competes in regional bouldering competitions, as well as holding a few competitions of our own. This year we are holding the first annual Warwick vs Coventry bouldering competition. Help us show no mercy and take no prisoners.

Image: Jayendra Bhalodiya (instagram.com/jey_flyingbird)
Climb the world
As well as equipping you with the skills to climb rock anywhere in the world, the club also organises an annual Easter tour to a European climbing hotspot. Previous locations include El Chorro (Spain), Sicily and Sardinia (Italy), and Geyikbayiri (Turkey). Forget about the looming exams and assessments and focus on the really important things.
Get involved
Undergrads and postgrads, total beginners to 9b+ rock stars, all are welcome and catered for. Taster sessions will be running during Term 1. Please join our Facebook group for more info. See you on the rock.
WUCC Club Nights at Bear Rock, Warwick Sport.
Mondays @ 4-6pm
Wednesdays @ 1-3pm
Friday @ 4-6pm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/warwickuniversityclimbingclub/
Website: https://www.warwickuniversityclimbingclub.co.uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/w_u_c_c/