garden gnome
Image: Wikimedia Commons

Gnome massacre strikes Warwickshire again

A second gnome massacre at Echills Woods Railway’s gnome village last Thursday night has left the owners unable to rebuild.

The late night massacre saw the destruction of approximately 60 garden gnomes by three hammer-wielding vandals, captured on CCTV footage. Parts of the railway were also torn apart.

The last gnome massacre took place just six months ago, when attackers broke into the gnome village, smashing up over 40 of its iconic gnomes and scattering their tiny hats and fishing rods across the miniature railway tracks. A crocodile on the model’s Crocadile Creek was also found decapitated.

However, members of the public rallied after the attack, offering gnome donations to the the railway park.

This year, however, the volunteers who run the attraction will not be able to afford to rebuild the attraction, and the public donations from last September have all been destroyed.

Jeff Stevens, the railway’s general secretary commented: “It’s just mindless vandalism. They have ruined it for all the children who come for the gnomes and the railway.”

“We have CCTV footage and we will be handing it over to the police.”

Volunteers in charge of the gnome village added: “We’re salvaging the ones that are repairable and placing them behind a fence to keep them safe.”

Warwickshire Police confirmed that they are currently making enquiries, and encouraged anyone who may have witnessed suspicious activity to call the force.


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