Image Credit: Activision/Pressxtra

Clickbait Corner: 5 Reasons why Battlefield 1 will destroy Infinite Warfare

Warning: The views expressed below are inflammatory. Viewer discretion is advised.


5. Teenagers don’t know the First World War happened

According to EA CEO Blake Jorgensen, DICE nearly didn’t set Battlefield 1 during the First World War, as they weren’t really sure whether kids knew World War One was a thing. This is great news for Battlefield. As I’m sure you’re all aware, multiplayer in Call of Duty games is consistently populated by sweaty teenagers who shout about ‘360 no-scoping’ in between saying unspeakable things about your mother. This means that the multiplayer in Battlefield 1 will be much more enjoyable, as these kids won’t be playing it.

4. Space is so last year

Space is such a played-out setting. We’ve seen it all before, and now, we’re all bored of it. Space was fun a few years ago when Destiny came out, but after that multi-year train-wreck the setting has had all of the joy sucked out of it. Luckily, Battlefield is set on earth, so is far, far more original. (Plus, do you know what else was set in space? No Man’s Sky. And nobody liked that…)

3. Infinite Warfare stars Jon Snow

Remember when Jon Snow was just so damn cool? But then he had to go and mess it all up and die. And then lie about dying. (Spoilers, I guess). Now, nobody wants to see that lying, undying bastard. Battlefield 1 doesn’t have Jon Snow in it, because Battlefield 1 respects you.

2. Battlefield 1 has horses

Horses are great. This is objectively true. Think about games with horses in: Ocarina of Time, Skyrim, and Shadow of the Colossus all had horses in. Therefore, any game that has horses in must automatically be great. And do you know what Infinite Warfare doesn’t have? HORSES.

1. YouTube hates Infinite Warfare

As soon as the first trailer for Infinite Warfare came out, commenters the world over came out of the woodwork to lambast the game for being an awful game made by awful people with awful graphics. It’s now the most disliked trailer in YouTube’s history. And, let’s face it, YouTube commenters are never wrong; they’re the most trusted, heroic people on the whole of the internet. Just ask Google…


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