London Fashion Week Special: Subjects of Street Style
Shingi Mararike took to the streets of LFW and brings the Boar some of his more (questionable) fashionable finds…
Twice a year thousands of people descend on London for Fashion Week. Forget the runway; for many, the pavements outside the showroom are just as good. I took to Somerset House in Central London and snapped some of the very best street style looks. Behind each outfit was a story. Some people had thoughtful, conceptual ideas behind their ensembles. Others? Not so much, but the results were weird, wacky and interesting either way.

“It’s only been since last summer that I’ve been into Fashion Design. Because of my background. My dad is from Madagascar so I decided to go with Urban African Fashion, I’m mixing the urban and the religious way of London with Africa”

“Well I’m quite influenced by the Japanese Denim style. This is my great Aunts’ denim smock and I really love it. I’m just kind of bringing an urban feel to it with the trousers”

“I’m a performing artist. When I perform on stage I like to feel a bit opulent, I like designers who are capable of combining that opulence with urban street sheek”

“I want to get rid, dissolve and allow my ego to die I little bit. So, I get rid of the characters, characteristics that make me fleshed out like everyone else. You know it’s like comics or like the most recent film like ughh. Gaurdians of The Galaxy with Groot everyone can identify with him because he’s a blank canvas. I’ve stripped away everything that I am and now I’m just paint. An object.”

“The headpieces are like a showpiece. We did a Jacket for Will.I.AM. His whole shoulder pad was lego and also for Pharrell Williams we made a Sponge Bob Squarepants pendant out out of lego. Adults are just like kids, they like to go back to it”

“I came here to take pictures and then I just thought I’d put on something flashy. I was a little bit conscious I look like Colonel Sanders (The KFC Guy)”
Photo: Shingi Mararike