Photo: Courtney Carmody / Flickr

Contemplating one night stands

Chloe McConville considers the ins and outs (pun intended) of one night stands…

In an article published on the Mail Online, Frances Hardy tells us that 48% of women aged between 20-29 have had a one night stand, compared to only 46% of women aged 30-39 and only 36% of women aged 50-59. A few weeks ago I read a piece written by Helen Weathers in the Daily Mail, saying that women have ‘been sold a lie’. She insists that women are incapable of disengaging emotionally during sex in the same way as men, meaning one night stands leave them feeling hurt and empty. Is this really true? To me, the ability to disengage emotionally during sex is not determined by gender but personality, nature and experience. Some people can, some people can’t, some people want to, some people don’t, it’s as simple as that and no one should be judged either way.

the ability to disengage emotionally during sex is not determined by gender but personality, nature and experience

Although we shouldn’t be influenced by social prejudices, we still ought to consider the emotional and physical dangers at risk when considering a one night stand. Let’s be honest, when you agree to a one night stand, you’re implicitly agreeing that you won’t pursue the relationship further than one fun-filled night. So if there’s a part of you hoping for something more, you might want to think twice. And yet, despite the best of intentions, many men and women become emotionally attached after a one night stand. During intercourse the body releases a ‘feel-good’ chemical making you feel emotionally closer to that person and leaving you with a desire to recreate the experience.

Physically there are also many dangers in terms of STDs and pregnancies (which we’ve all been aware of since the age of 13 when we first watched Mean Girls). Alcohol and drugs can make you reckless and careless, and as pessimistic as it is, one drunken mistake could influence the rest of your life. It can also be incredibly dangerous to go back to a stranger’s house or invite them into yours. As hot as they may look in the club, appearances can disguise a person’s true nature.

One night stands can be fun and liberating and people should never be judged for them, however, you should try to consider, in your inebriated state, the potential emotional and physical consequences.


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