Warwick economic centre awarded £3.5 million
Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) has been awarded £3.5 million to continue its research programme.
The award, granted by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), will enable CAGE to continue its programme for a further five years.
The centre, based in the Department of Economics, conducts research into comparative economic performance over time and across countries.
With the aid of economic history, the research focuses on how countries have succeeded in attaining certain socio-economic objectives, such as improving living standards, raising productivity, and maintaining international competitiveness.
It’s commitment to economic history and the use of historical perspective is similarly used to illuminate current policy debates.
Professor Nicholas Crafts, the director of CAGE, said: “The focal point of CAGE will continue to be understanding how countries succeed in the global economy.
“We will sustain and develop our research into long-run growth performance, the determinants of well-being and escape from poverty, institutional reform and the political economy of managing change in a globalising world.”
The ESRC is the UK’s largest organisation for funding research on economic and social issues. It supports independent high quality research which impacts on businesses, the public sector and the third sector.
At any one time the ESRC supports over 4,000 researchers and postgraduate students in academic institutions and research policy institutes.