The cross junction of A45 Fletchamstead/Kenpas Highway where changes will be made; Photo: Flickr, Ian Halsey

Students confused over Gibbet Hill roadworks

A petition that protested against roadworks set to take place on Gibbet Hill in May 2014 was circulated on social media on February 21.

The petition quickly rallied student support, due to the threat of disruption to traffic during exam period.

The final figure of signatures on the petition reached 1,115.

However, according to the Student’s Union (SU) the roadworks described by the petition were not set to take place in May 2014.

The creator of the petition – a second-year Biomedical Science student, Rose Hodgson – said: “I found out about the roadworks in an SSLC meeting where a traffic officer told us in detail about where the roadworks were happening and that they were going to take place from May through until late summer.

“Having questioned the date he seemed quite sure, but none of my friends had heard of it so I started the petition more to raise awareness.

“But after emailing the local councillors, Gary Crookes replied that they had now delayed the roadworks.”

University spokesman, Peter Dunn commented: “There are other roadworks in Coventry being paid for from the same pot of money, but which will happen before the works on or near our campus – for instance the current works on the A45.

“Councillor Crookes may have been referencing those road works and the petition’s creator therefore may have misunderstood.”

The SU responded to the petition on February 25 stating that: “The council have long been aware of key university dates, and none of the works will begin before the summer exam period has finished.”

The statement issued by the SU received mixed responses from the students who originally supported the petition.

Second-year Maths student, Joe Reed was concerned about the response of the SU: “Although it was based on false information, it’s upsetting that the SU were so quick to undermine student action.

“I hope this doesn’t happen in future.”

Democracy and development officer at the SU, Cosmo March, was asked what advice he would give to students looking to start petitions in the future. He replied: “Do some research.”

Ms Hodgson added: “I think in the future the SU needs to provide clearer information, especially on the travel pages online as they were vague.

“The representatives should have declared earlier that there are going to be roadworks but they are not going to affect your exams.”

Comments (1)

  • Point of clarification: the travel pages referred to here are run by the University, not the SU – The reason the SU never published information regarding this was because we hadn’t heard anything about any roadworks taking place during the exam period. We are updated regularly by the University regarding potential roadworks, so it’s a fair bet that they were never scheduled during this period!

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