“Down it Fresher”

You’ve probably been told on several occasions over the last few years to “grow up” because you’re “too old” to still be playing games. Well, to that I stick out my tongue and stomp my feet because everybody knows that games never go away, the goals only change.

At university you will find, like many of us have already, that the aim of the game is to get absolutely mortal. Here are a few of the games you can expect to play as you embark on your journey to adulthood:

Ring of Fire:

Although the name suggests otherwise, this game doesn’t actually include any fire at all, unless you count the burning sensation in your throat. This game is probably the most complicated of all. If you haven’t mastered the long list of rules before the game starts, good luck staying cohesive once the cards are dealt and the drinks are poured. Students sit around a circle of cards with a cup in the middle, drawing cards one by one and following the action paired to each card. Sounds fairly straightforward but you try only being able to point with your elbows and listing different sex toys after a bottle of wine.


Fairly simple – one person will choose a word and then each person playing would need to rhyme with that word. Rules are you can’t repeat a word that has already been used, you can’t hesitate and you can’t not rhyme. Mess up and you down your drink. No points are awarded to the kid that starts the game with orange.


A personal favourite of mine. For this game the more players involved the better. The person to your right will whisper a question in your ear and you have to answer the question by picking somebody playing the game. For example: “who do you think would be the worst kisser here?” You then say the answer out loud.

If that person wants to know what the question was they have to drink a quarter of their drink, but if you don’t want to divulge you have to down your entire drink. This is a great way to find out what your friends really think of each other. Just remember to take everything with a pinch of salt and choose a drink that’s easy to down. The game goes on and on until the group gets bored or the lightweight passes out.

“Would you rather?”:

If ratios turn you on then this game is for you. “Would you rather?” is all about probability – each person playing will ask a question that has two possible outcomes. You then have to either stick your thumb up to agree with the first choice or down to agree with the second choice. The answer with the minority of voters loses and you must then down your drink. The game continues mostly until someone else puts forth the idea of a new game.

Rules are simple: choose wisely to avoid drinking and don’t ask a lame question because you will be asked to down your drink. My favourite question to ask is would you rather wee through your eyes or poop through your nose, feel free to use that one!

It won’t take you long to realise that the key to a good night out is to pre-drink. It saves you money and is also a great way to meet new people. You’ll also soon realise that these drinking games break down barriers, lighten the mood and make for some of the best laughs you’ll have during your time at Warwick. The games mentioned here are only a few of the activities you can expect to participate in during your first year. My advice to you would be to realise now that however well you think you can hold your alcohol, chances are you’re wrong, but don’t be discouraged because this is all part of the fun of Freshers freedom. Bottoms up.


Please remember to drink responsibly. Visit: drinkaware.co.uk


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