Image: Glen Brown

Warwick Table Tennis retain Premier Division status

Warwick Men’s Table Tennis have defied the odds to survive in the Premier North Division for another year.

And given their inferior financial resources in a league of just four teams, their third-placed finish is a highly creditable achievement.

Despite the presence of Nottingham Trent – who boast four past and present England junior internationals, and the current British number five Chris Doran – Warwick held their own in the BUCS Premier Division over the year.

Meanwhile, Nottingham boast Paul McCreery, the best table tennis player in Ireland. Leeds, who were relegated, have a 2012 Paralympic table-tennis player among their ranks.

It is Warwick’s team spirit which has seen them thrive in the Premier Division once again.

Captained by Glen Brown, a small but cohesive unit of James Ward, Patrick Schreiber, Dejan Siraj, Bryan Guillame and David Wong are responsible for this year’s success.

Ward, the player of the year, was singled out by his team-mates as a talent equal to the glittering stars within their opponents’ ranks.

And the Table Tennis club will be holding trials at the beginning of next year in order to unearth the next crop of stars who will strive to uphold Warwick’s proud and distinguished record of survival in the unforgiving BUCS Premier Division.


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