Not just another One World Week

**Week three of term sees the commencement of the world’s largest student run international event. Each year the University of Warwick holds a festival that celebrates the diversity in culture found on campus through the planning and showcasing on five separate events.**

For the past 17 years, One World Week has enticed thousands of people from all the country to travel to Warwick and participate in the festivities, if the plans for this year’s events go off without a hitch, this OWW looks to be even better than the previous.

For many the most anticipated and sought-after event of the week is the OWW Fashion Show. Despite their busy schedules, I managed to meet up with the two Heads of the 2013 showcase Rachel Sarr and Soraya Thompson for an interview.

**What is the theme of this year’s OWW Fashion Show?**
Soraya and Rachel: I was here.

**Why that theme?**
S: We thought it conveyed how music, style and culture shape who we are and we explore that through the stages of life and death.
R: Everyone can relate to it.
S: For the infant/child phase of life we show this through loud, bright colours, the shift to teen is shown through darker more sultry tones and as you progress through life and get older, adulthood is shown by the likes of tweed.

**Brilliant! So I have to ask, your theme…any link to Beyoncé?**
S: She was the inspiration. The lyrics from her song (titled ‘I was here’) really depict the theme we are trying to achieve. She sings “I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time, know there was something that I left behind”. That’s what we want to inspire people to feel.
R: We don’t want people to think we are Beyoncé mad though! Yes, she was our inspiration for the foundation of our show but we’ve worked with it and made it something much more than just a tribute.

**Okay, what makes this show different from last years?**
Both: SO MUCH!
R: This year we have high-end fashion pieces to showcase, the entire outfit is being styled.
The outfits themselves are all from label brands. We have Models Own providing the make up on the night, DJs to create the hype atmosphere that is sure to get the audience excited and a live singer.
S: Even the staging of this year’s show is different. There’s a story being told through the societies but we don’t want to give too much away. Buy a ticket and see it for yourself!

**What aspect of the show are you most excited abou?**
S: The Finale
R: The Opening
Both: (laughs) The whole atmosphere really, the photographer on the night, the clothing. It’s just all really exciting. This year the audience can identify with the models.
S: Oh, and the afterparty!

**Talk me through the process of preparation for the event?**
S: I started planning the show in September. I saw the event last year and knew that this year I wanted to do it.
R: Candidates had to apply in Term 3 with a plan, so I did. When I got selected I met Soraya in October last year and we’ve seen each other every day since!
S: It was crazy! We had 80 applicants and had to do 35 interviews and this was only to choose a team of eight people to work with us. We auditioned models, societies and we have to maintain a constant communication with sponsors.
R: It’s an on-going process, it never stops. We were lucky enough to secure STORM studios in Leamington Spa to take our promotional photos which we’re both very happy about it. They turned out amazingly.

**What are you hoping to achieve with this year’s OWW Fashion Show?**
R: I want people to exit the venue after the show and say this is the best fashion show ever. I want everything to be the best, from the music to the clothes and ambience.
S: For the audience to have a general sense that fashion is influenced by culture and for people to be inspired by what they see and start experimenting with their own wardrobes.

**Finally, what does OWW mean to you?**
R: It’s a mix of cultures
S: It’s a celebration of the multi-cultural society found at Warwick which brings it to a platform where everyone can embrace and appreciate it.
R: It’s not just for international students either, OWW is for everyone.


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