It must be love, or something
February 14 is always a day that inspires fierce emotions from the single and the conjoined. Everyone either thinks it’s a beautiful day for celebrating love or a commercialised way of taking money; a disgusting display of sickening affection from the less romantically-challenged or a wonderful opportunity to share time with that special someone.
The _Boar_ was alone on Valentine’s Day, in that terrifying limbo between being sent to print and being delivered to your campus. Spare a thought. The staff, meanwhile, were in their various places doing their various things, but since we’re generally a fairly cynical bunch and by our nature repel normal people you can infer the collective opinion.
But rest assured that the _Boar_ loves you, Warwick student/staff member/curious passer-by. You make the _Boar_ complete and it simply does not know how it coped before you were in its life. The _Boar_ meant to get you a card, but with elections and everything… and owe a lot of money to a lot of people… you know, you get it. It’s the feeling that counts.
Relationships with newspapers are by their very nature fleeting. Sure, we show our faces regularly, but we might not always get your name right and, as a student rag, there’s always the awkward conversation when you leave about how well you’ll keep in touch – will you still read the _Boar_? How will it work long-distance? Is it worth it? Luckily there will always be our online archives to hold a place in your heart.
But let’s enjoy the time we have together. You may have been inside the _Boar_, you may not, but really that’s not what’s important in a relationship. It’s about a spiritual connection, and right now I feel that with you so strongly, whoever you are.
The _Boar_ is more than just a student paper, it’s about the relationship we have with you. I mean, we don’t aim to be really in-your-face, peeking our brightly coloured banner out of strategically placed holders outside the library, Bread Oven, science concourse, SUHQ… we don’t mean to be clingy. We don’t mean to follow you around all the time. We just want you to notice us.
I mean, I know there’s other fish in the sea and all that, but we hope that you see past our occasional misprints and unfinished sentences to see the paper inside. We hope you appreciate the in-depth reviews, insightful comments and glamorous coverage of everything you could ever want to know about your lovely fuzzy Warwick Bubble.
So, whether you were a single pringle or spent time with a loved one this Valentine’s Day, we hope you feel warmed in your heart when you read that the _Boar_ was comforted by the fact you have picked it up and softly caressed its recycled pages. The _Boar_ loves you. The _Boar_ cares.