You know it’s a blog-eat-blog world out there

Everybody’s doing it. Blogging, that is. If you’re not in the blogosphere already, where have you been? Everyone who’s got anything to say is posting, publishing, broadcasting it. After all it’s the only way to be taken seriously in this social media driven age and heck, it even gets you places. So listen up! It’s time to get those fingers t-t-tapping on your keyboard. Putting you own personal thoughts out there is understandably a scary task, so here’s a quick fire guide to help you on your way.

1. The Golden Rule: be bold. Close your eyes, hold your breath, take a leap and click ‘Publish.’ Okay, it doesn’t have to be quite so dramatic, but every successful blogger is confident and unafraid to get their opinions heard. Make a racket, rant and rave.

2. Tell everyone: family, friends, and even the odd stranger. I was at an independent restaurant the other day and I scribbled my URL down on the comment card with a little note saying, ‘I’m going to blog about you!’ Who knows if they’ll ever read it, but hey, it made the manager smile.

3. Introduce yourself with the question, ‘Have you got a blog?’ ‘I’ve got a blog! Let’s be friends, what’s your address?’ Thanks to such clever networking before you know it your blog will be inundated with visits.

4. Comment, comment, comment. There is no doubt about it, blogging is hard work. Even if your writing’s good, your thoughts are witty and your pictures are ever so charming you can’t develop a fan-base without the leg work. Getting commenting others and they’ll comment you back. It’s the way the blogging world works, folks.

5. ‘Smile politely for the camera…’ I’m not saying a photo a minute is necessary, but do keep your camera with you as you never know when inspiration might strike.

6. A famous critic once said that we’re living in a cut and paste society. I’m obviously not condoning stealing other people’s ideas, but don’t be afraid to look for inspiration everywhere.

7. Keep your ear to the door. In order to get blogger-brownie points you need to be switched on and engaged. If something exciting is happening, be there. I am living proof that blogging gets you everywhere, brands want to be talked about, and who knows what you may get in return.

8. Lastly, a few tips for the road. Don’t diss your friends, or if you do, at least be discrete about it. Remember, keep it short and sweet, blogging isn’t an exposition of your life, it’s about politely selling yourself, it’s called me-media. Tell us what you love, what makes you laugh. Blogging is a community after all, and there are plenty of people willing and ready to absorb your latest musings.

See you in the blogosphere.


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