Photo: Flickr/ Patrick Down

Rants & Raves: thoughts on New Year’s resolutions

The whole resolution business is utterly asinine. If you want to stop smoking and it happens to
be September, don’t hang around for January to honour a tradition which ends up collapsing anyway. Get on with it! It’s the same with Christmas. If you see something you think someone would like, don’t wait for December. I’d much rather a present that says “I saw this and thought of you” rather than “I got you this because I’m obliged to”. “No time like the present” over ‘Auld Lang Syne’.” Alistair D.

This year, in addition of my annual tradition of trying to give up sweet things, I’ve decided that my new year’s resolution is to be more open-minded. This is not to say that I’ll no longer have opinions – standing up for your beliefs is always important. It’s just a matter of making sure I don’t become pig-headed, or uphold my opinions so much that I totally dismiss the validity of other people’s thinking. This is my way of injecting some peace and balance into my life at a time where the world seems to be getting crazier.” Anonymous.

What better way to mark a new chapter, to cherish moments of joy, learn from past mistakes,
and ignite hopes for a better year than come up with a resolution. Instead of making resolutions broad and vague, why not take the opportunity to keep them limited and achievable? This year, I too have a resolution: a simple one – to eat healthy, specifically, to minimise carbohydrate with more protein and vegetables.” Simran T.

Volunteer, drink less, or invite the world to your book club. New year’s resolutions can be bold, brash or just plain madness. The change you make on December 31 might make all the difference. I bought my Warwick Sport membership on January 4 because I admit defeat: taking the stairs to the fifth floor of the library doesn’t count as exercise. Fancy a change? Act now and ignore the calendar. Carpe diem. Or YOLO (unless your resolution is to stop using nonsensical slang).” Karishma J.


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