Full metal kebab

**A student was left in shock this week, when he found a 7mm bolt in a kebab he bought from Spicy Bites, a take-away restaurant in Leamington.**

The Physics finalist, who wishes to remain anonymous, bought the chicken kebab on Sunday 3 February and only discovered the metal screw as he bit into the food.

He said: “It was embedded within the contents of the pitta, amongst the chicken meat, and I bit it sharply with my front teeth. My teeth were in a little pain for the rest of the night but luckily they’re ok now. [The bolt] was almost the size of one of the pieces of chicken.”

The student sent a picture of the kebab to the Food Standards Agency of Warwick district council but is undecided whether to lodge a formal complaint.

He said: “I’m still considering issuing a formal complaint to the council. However, if I decide to let it go, I’ll take the bolt to Spicy Bites and tell the guys that one of their machines is on the brink of falling apart!

“It’s put me off for sure – I’ll probably never buy another Spicy Bites meal!”

When the _Boar_ contacted Spicy Bites, owner Ash Ahmed was very keen to put the matter right.

“I haven’t yet heard from the student but I believe your claim about the screw.

“My staff member had been looking for a bolt that had come loose from the machine at the beginning of the week – I didn’t know it had fallen into a meal.

“I am very embarrassed about this. I have a good relationship with the students, and I am very sorry. I never try and cheat my customers. I can give this student a refund, free meal or whatever he wants.”

Ash passed his number onto the _Boar_ and urged the student to contact him, should he wish to claim a meal in compensation, or obtain a refund.

A representative from Warwickshire County Council said they would investigate the matter should the student wish to pursue it.


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