Image: Martin Day / The Boar

SU Spring Elections 2025: President announcement delayed due to “procedural irregularity”; VP Sports results in RON; all other positions confirmed

Voting has closed in the SU Spring Elections 2025. Follow The Boar’s live coverage throughout Warwick Students’ Union’s (SU) Results Night. 


The Boar understands that the Students’ Union aims to announce a winner for SU President in the next week.


Thank you all for joining The Boar‘s election coverage tonight.


In an interview, current SU President Enaya Nihal has described her term as “insane but incredible”. She noted the increase in voter turnout this year.

Nihal’s “personal highlights” included her work on the Safer Warwick campaign as well as pushing for demilitarisation. She discussed the particularly time-consuming nature of the position as a “fun balancing act” who “doesn’t have absolute power, at all”.

She also spotlighted her work marking the University’s 60th anniversary and creation of the Students’ Union’s Yearbook, archiving the history of dozens of Warwick societies.

For incoming Full-Time Officers, she advised them to “trust people” as well as having trust in yourself.


Here is a round-up of the Full-Time Officer declarations that did take place tonight:

To reiterate, the announcement for SU President will not be taking place tonight due to what has been described as a “procedural irregularity”.

VP Postgraduates – Maanya Raju

VP Welfare & Campaigns – Ollie Chapman

VP Democracy & Development – James Varney

VP Education – Ananya Sreekumar

VP Sports – RON (Re-open nominations)

VP Societies – Adam Skrzymowski

This is the first time ever nominations have been re-opened for a Full-Time Officer position.

All declarations for Part-Time Officers are now complete as follows:

Disabled Students’ Officer – Ruby Deakin & Harriet Paget

Women’s Officer – Katie Todd

Widening Participation Officer – Sihaam Hassan

Environment & Ethics Officer – Helena Ratcliffe

LGBTQUA+ Officer – Jessie Yu & Mattie Oke

Trans Students’ Officer – Lillian Pipe

Ethnic Minorities Officer – Riann Mehta


Adam Skrzymowski has beaten Anshuman Joshi in the race to become the next Vice President for Societies. In his speech, he offered a “massive thank you” to his campaign team.

He emphasised the role of “going out and talking to students” about their views on how to improve societies as well as his aim to reduce the Societies Federation fee to £10.

As things stand, this will be the last declaration of the night.


Students have voted to RON (Re-open Nominations) for VP Sports defeating singular candidate, Ollie Seal. This election will most likely take place in Term 3.

Here is a round-up of Full-Time Officer declarations so far:

VP Postgraduates – Maanya Raju

VP Welfare & Campaigns – Ollie Chapman

VP Democracy & Development – James Varney

VP Education – Ananya Sreekumar

VP Sports – RON (Re-open nominations)

The last declaration, which will be for VP Societies, is imminent.


The declaration for VP Sports is imminent.


Ananya Sreekumar has won the VP Education race, defeating three others. Sreekumar wants to focus on “decolonial” and “anti-racist” work in higher education.

Wearing a keffiyeh, she thanked the “community effort” of her campaign team and all who voted for her, concluding her speech: “Free Palestine”.


James Varney has claimed victory over Sharlz Peters in the election for Vice President for Democracy & Development. He described his biggest priorities as to “overhaul student democracy” and create a more sustainable campus.

The next declaration will be for VP Education.


The declaration for Democracy & Development Officer is imminent.


Ollie Chapman has won the VP Welfare & Campaigns race, defeating Summer Jones and five other candidates. He thanked his “dear dear friend” Ed Swann for his victory and well as his family, friends and campaign team.

He reiterated his pledges to lobby to subsidise bus passes, make the free breakfast club daily and compile a report into rent prices for students. He concluded his speech declaring “refugees are welcome here; trans rights are human rights, and free Palestine”.


The next Vice President for Postgraduates will be Maanya Raju. She expressed her desire for the SU to offer more part-time job opportunities to postgraduate students.


The declaration for SU President will not take place today due to a “procedural irregularity”. We will update you as details emerge.


All declarations for Part-Time Officers are now complete as follows:

Disabled Students’ Officer – Ruby Deakin & Harriet Paget

Women’s Officer – Katie Todd

Widening Participation Officer – Sihaam Hassan

Environment & Ethics Officer – Helena Ratcliffe

LGBTQUA+ Officer – Jessie Yu & Mattie Oke

Trans Students’ Officer – Lillian Pipe

Ethnic Minorities Officer – Riann Mehta

VP Postgraduates is to be announced shortly.


Riann Mehta is to become Ethnic Minorities Officer. They declared their desire to “crack down on fascism, racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism.”


The winner of the election for Trans Students’ Officer is Lillian Pipe. She indicated her interest in “pushing back against transphobia” as well as focusing on “degendering” resources.

The Ethnic Minorities Officer declaration is imminent.


Jessie Yu and Mattie Oke claim victory in LGBTQUA+ Officer election over Rouslan Koutlakaidas. Oke and Yu described their desire to do “everything they can to support LGBTQUA+ students” on campus.


Warwick SU’s new Environment & Ethics Officer is to be Helena Ratcliffe. She expressed her hope to make “true tangible change” to sustainability on campus in her victory speech.


Sihaam Hassan has won the Widening Participation Officer election. She is not present to give a speech.


Katie Todd is to become Warwick SU’s next Women’s Officer, defeating five other candidates. “An honour to be elected,” Todd thanked her campaign team, voters and opposing candidates for “putting up a good fight”.

The declaration for Widening Participation Officer is imminent.


Ruby Deakin and Harriet Paget have won the race for Disabled Students’ Officer. In their speech, Paget and Deakin expressed they were “really excited” to take on the role.

The declaration for Women’s Officer is imminent.


And we’re off… Stay tuned for results as Disabled Students’ Officer is up first.


Polls have closed in the SU Spring Elections 2025 for next year’s Full-Time and Part-Time Officer positions. 6,390 students cast their votes this year, representing a near 20% increase from the previous year, and the highest number since 2013, when 6,699 votes were cast. Turnout was 24% of the student population.

Results are to be announced from 6.15pm in the Students’ Union HQ and streamed to the Piazza screen.

Watch RAW 1251AM’s Big Decision livestream here.

This is a live page and will be updated as details emerge.


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