Image: Archie Clarke

Behind the scenes: A closer look at how student leaders run sport at Warwick

Sports clubs are such a big part of life at Warwick; with over 65 different clubs to choose from, frankly, we are spoilt for choice. But it is important to remember that these clubs rely almost solely on the student body to help keep them up and running – without these committed Exec members, clubs would run nowhere near as smoothly as they do now.

That being said, some clubs choose to rely on external members of staff, who are able to offer specialised expertise, often to the more competitive sports clubs. Some clubs may also choose to opt for both student and non-student coaches, for example, Mixed Netball and Squash.

Student coaches can act as mentors and a helping hand for navigating all things university-related

Corletta Straughn Mixed Netball Captain

As part of an investigation for The Boar Sport, I spoke with Presidents, Ffi Lewis, a third year Health and Medical Science student (MN) and Krish Mistry, a third year MORSE student (squash) as well as MN captains, Denzel Ezeh and Corletta Straughn, to find out more about student leadership, and how they are able to balance being full-time students alongside their roles.

All members prefer the idea of student coaches, explaining that these offer a more personal and welcoming atmosphere. As fellow students, it is easier to bond, and they are often more approachable, should any problems arise. Corletta adds that “student coaches can act as mentors and a helping hand for navigating all things university-related” due to their shared experience. Krish also explains how this is especially true for new members: “Anyone just starting to play squash doesn’t need expert technical advice, just a friendly face and a gentle nudge in the right direction.”

As Presidents, Ffi and Krish are responsible for liaising with Warwick SU and Warwick Sport, plus helping to allocate Exec roles

However, with both clubs making use of having non-student coaches for their performance squads, all showed their appreciation for their contributions. Whilst both clubs would not benefit from having exclusively external coaches, they do acknowledge the wealth of their experience – Krish explains they have more time and opportunity to offer members bespoke advice on how to improve. However, this is notably more expensive, and as Denzel describes, “there would be a tendency to rely on them” and less opportunity for student coaches to grow.

As Presidents, Ffi and Krish are responsible for any and all organisation within the club. This includes liaising with Warwick SU and Warwick Sport, plus helping to allocate Exec roles, ensuring these other senior members feel supported. Ffi explains that her main aim as President of MN is “to make everyone feel included and encouraged, no matter their level of skill and experience,” hoping to become a friendly face for all members.

Similarly, Krish’s role consists of overseeing the Exec and the “general maintenance of the club.” As part of this, squash runs a senior and junior Exec, where the more senior members (e.g. President, VP etc.) are responsible for managing junior members. For Krish, this means managing the four Captains, two Social Secretaries, and a Charities Officer, which allows a better allocation of responsibilities.

When it comes to coaching, Krish does some coaching for the Squash Development Squad and both Denzel and Corletta are relatively new to their roles as Training and League Captains for MN, having only taken on their roles at the start of term two. When asked how they have been managing so far, both explained that whilst it was initially more work than anticipated, they have both now adapted and find it much easier to balance their responsibilities.

The best part has 100% been working with a captain such as Corletta

Denzel Ezeh Mixed Netball Captain

One of the highlights has been building better relationships with members and watching them progress. Denzel explains that for him, “the best part has 100% been working with a captain such as Corletta,” as their ability to work together means they can both still enjoy their roles, without much pressure.

Due to the workload, it is absolutely necessary that Exec members find time to balance their studies and responsibilities, and all four leaders recognised the importance of this. They explained that a key part of finding this balance is planning in advance. Ffi explains that this is much easier for her as a third year, as a lot of her work can be completed on her own time.

It is important to find time to wind down: on social media, with friends, or playing the sport itself

Another tactic shared between the group is making sure to specifically block out time for their degree studies – Krish explains, “mentally compartmentalising things has really helped.”

It is equally as important for each member to find the time to relax and wind down alongside all of the above. This is achieved in most cases by allocating specific time to relax during the week, whether that be browsing social media, socialising with friends, or even playing the sport itself. This is especially key for someone like Corletta, whose timetable as a master’s student in Biotechnology, Bioprocessing and Business Management is rather unpredictable. This is again made much easier by her partnership with Denzel.

This investigation has ultimately highlighted the importance of student leaders in sports clubs at Warwick, as well as providing an insight into the roles themselves and the necessary balance when it comes to studying and finding time to wind down. By choosing to spotlight two societies with a mixed demographic (both in terms of gender and skill) a wider perspective is taken into account, and a better understanding is provided of the maintenance necessary to ensure student leaders are able to fulfil their roles, whilst also fulfilling their responsibilities as degree students.


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