Will’s Word On Warwick: What can we learn from Skool Dayz?
Opinion Comedy Column
Skool Dayz is always a highly informative affair, whether you’re honing your 2.6 times table with every additional purple, culturally enriching yourself with noughties pop classics, learning your Latin with Sexy Roman Numerals or meeting legendary alumni and benefiting from their immense old-age and wisdom, Skool Dayz undoubtedly serves as an academic exercise that rivals even the finest seminar or tutorial.
The advantages of the event are limitless: the costumes are easy to put together, the subsequent photos are iconic, and the vibes are tremendous. Whilst many a nice white shirt has been permanently recoloured (purple) by all manner of overconfident (long arm) pints, the small amount of purple that may, somehow, find its way into your mouth is always sure to make it a worthwhile endeavour.
All-time moments include one couple’s public engagement at a Skool Dayz night in Autumn 2012, after a dramatic and ultimately successful onstage proposal
On these nights, circles often hit all-time highs and regularly feature some of the finest gameplay imaginable. My first Skool Dayz, in Term 3 last year saw a masterclass of a circle run by Warwick Athletics, which many say defined the medium of circling itself. It featured pitch-perfect renditions of Slaps, Zummy Zummy and Who the $%£&, all of which are quite difficult to pull off but are truly magical when done right.
I reached out to known Copper Rooms merchant, and Athletics Social Secretary, Bryn Baber-Day, to say a few words about this magical event:
“Skool Dayz is more than a mere extension of the Copper Rooms purple-infused events of a Wednesday night. It exists as an institution that transcends the realm of Warwick nightlife and reaches the upper echelons of human flourishing. Whenever I enter those hallowed halls, whether to lead a circle or to attend one, I know that I am going to experience something truly special.”
Other all-time moments include one couple’s public engagement at a Skool Dayz night in Autumn 2012, after a dramatic and ultimately successful onstage proposal – which was presumably followed by a wedding at Neon and a honeymoon in Kasbah. Though the couple’s whereabouts and marital status are currently unknown, we can only assume that the magic of Skool Dayz has kept their relationship as strong as ever.
Some have called for Skool Dayz to be dismantled by the SU and replaced by something less “creepy”
There’s no doubt that Skool Dayz is a controversial affair when compared to other SU events such as Sonic, a night-out which presumably incites nothing beyond general apathy. Some have called for Skool Dayz to be dismantled by the SU and replaced by something less “creepy.” Whilst this is an important point, I would counter with the fact that Skool Dayz is a lot of fun, and that certain weird individuals will find a way to be creepy about anything. Also, Skool Dayz merely suggests a theme, and, in my opinion, people should be allowed to wear what they want – within reason.
If people are looking to get rid of Skool Dayz, they’ll need to suggest an equally entertaining and notable event to replace it with and, ultimately, I’d argue that the relative weakness of nights out such as Sonic and Rep My Flag suggest that this may be easier said than done.
It is for these reasons that I’d implore you to join me at the next Skool Days, so that you too can dodge the flying VKs, meet friends of friends of friends in Rouge, remain vigilant in the face of those pesky sharks and, of course, completely ruin your only white shirt.
Will’s Word On Warwick is a satirical column intended for comedic purposes only.
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