“A love letter to life”: Emily White’s Broken Butterfly takes flight to the Warwick Arts Centre
The play, Broken Butterfly, was brought out of its cocoon by budding Warwick writer, Emily White. From mental health, self-discovery and love, the themes of Broken Butterfly are as thought-provoking and heartwarming as the production of the play itself. Now, a group of female and non-binary actors, producers, and directors are giving this Warwick original its wings, fluttering into the limelight as the first student-written play to grace the Warwick Arts Centre stage in history. My conversation with the team behind Broken Butterfly was nothing short of uplifting and inspiring, mirroring the environment the team aimed to create when embarking on such a pioneering project.
“Heartwarming”, “a love letter to life” and a “warm hug” are the descriptions given to this play by cast and crew members, especially co-producers Bethan Styling and Neera Cheung, who first gained access to this play on other sides of the world. From Hong Kong, Florida, to the UK itself, White’s story of Broken Butterfly resonated deeply with those who read it. By the beginning of term 1, and the introduction of assistant director Hannah Byrne, White’s story began its journey, with the result of a Warwick Arts Centre fully-funded production being merely a dream.
Love finds its multiple forms throughout Broken Butterfly, from the love of a relationship, to a parent, to friendships
Themes such as love, and self-love, are what drew the crew into the Broken Butterfly world. There was something intriguing about the real experiences, light story-telling and lack of the nitty gritty depth that theatre often brings, that shaped the uplifting atmosphere presented. Not only is love interwoven throughout, but equally is the incorporation of LGBTQ+ storylines, with the open conversations of sexuality feeling naturally present in the play, and a reflection of everyday life.
Love finds its multiple forms throughout Broken Butterfly, from the love of a relationship, to a parent, to friendships. However, the fragility of human life is equally present. Butterflies are “fragile and beautiful things”, states Cheung, reflecting the play’s “human vulnerability”. They are equally a “symbol of hope, blossoming from a caterpillar into something beautiful”, states lead actor Alice Bennett, who plays the protagonist Bea.
“The butterfly effect” is an impactful element that shapes the play
The combination of “hope” and “fragility” interweave through the exploration of the topic of Borderline Personality Disorder, a mental health condition which affects Bea’s mother, portrayed by Aimee Powell. The production team, alongside White, made the utmost effort to portray BPD with authenticity, non-dramatisation and relatability, hosting a workshop with Warwick Mind Aware to understand the condition in the most accurate way. It was “very insightful”, states the crew, understanding how to transform the fictional storytelling of BPD into a relatable reality that is experienced throughout the world.
After watching actors Alice Bennett and Abby Samways (portraying Alex) powerfully perform the closing scene of the play, I was struck to ask the relevance of butterflies within the story. “There are literal butterflies”, states Samways, but also the metaphorical, especially in the poetic references throughout the play, which is thoroughly enjoyed by all the actors involved. “The butterfly effect” is an impactful element that shapes the play, expresses Samways, yet the butterflies present have been transformed from a symbol, into something real, and potentially superstitious.
The future remains bright for Broken Butterfly, and the inspirational journey of White’s original story
For Bennett, the audition for Broken Butterfly was her first shot at acting in the Warwick drama sphere. Yet, butterflies have followed Bennett around throughout her life, from murals on her wall, to a matching butterfly tattoo with her father. “I initially felt positive”, states Bennett, following her audition, feeling that this opportunity was a “sign from the universe”. After finding audition success, Bennett remarks being met with positivity throughout, with all members of the cast and crew making her feel comfortable and calm. Byrne, who is Assistant Director, made a dedicated effort to make the environment feel constructive, supportive and safe, especially when dealing with the depths of themes the play considers. This atmosphere radiated throughout meeting the cast and crew: there was never a moment where smiles were lost, moods were dampened, and friendship didn’t shine through.
The future remains bright for Broken Butterfly, and the inspirational journey of White’s original story. Set for the shining lights of the Warwick Arts Centre at the close of term 2, the potential for independent plays feels infinite in Warwick drama. This story makes you wonder, what is the future for Warwick originating stories: well, after witnessing the love and care throughout the Broken Butterfly production, original writers will be unstoppable. For those seeking a modern, relatable and unique story to indulge in at the theatre, keep an eye out for the updates about Broken Butterfly in the continuing journey of this show.