Sunrise to sunset: Scenic Sunscapes From Around the World:

It’s another tequila sunrise/ Starin’ slowly ‘cross the sky’ wrote the Eagles in 1973, not only as a reference to the drink but to the feeling of staying up all night, only to be caught off guard by the timeless allure of the day’s bookends.

Nowadays, that feeling gets forgotten. Across my daily Instagram feed, I will see countless breathtaking sunscapes, from Santorini and the Grand Canyon, to the Taj Mahal and even ‘Manhattanhenge’. They captivate you for an instant, only to fade quickly from view and memory. Yet, for me, these moments are more than just an image. Each comes with a story, making memories that transcend the visual beauty of the scenes; the days, hours, and moments leading up to it culminate in a snapshot of time that stays with you forever. Nature’s most democratic artworks, sunscapes are accessible to everyone, yet uniquely experienced by each individual. Like moths, drawn to the light, we have an innate passion for capturing these moments that evoke a sense of the sublime.

Join me as I explore some of the most magical places around the world to witness these daily spectacles.

As the sun set over the mountain, the structures, bathed in a golden light, seemed to come alive, casting long shadows over the bustling streets below.

One unforgettable sunset was from my post-A-levels trip to Sevilla with my friends in the Summer of ’22. On the first night, we climbed the Setas which offered a panoramic view of the whole city as the sun dipped below the horizon. Despite the insufferable heat at the peak of summer, the air was filled with sounds of life – street musicians strumming soulful flamenco melodies and laughter from nearby restaurants. As the sun set over the mountain, the structures, bathed in a golden light, seemed to come alive, casting long shadows over the bustling streets below. We recreated the famous scene from Titanic, with strangers joining our rendition of ‘My Heart Will Go On’, making it the perfect backdrop to this Spanish sunset.

The vast expanse of the river seemed to merge with the sky in a dance of colours.

Another cherished memory is from Dubna, Russia when I was visiting family last July. Walking along the Volga River, this small town treated us to a stunning sunset. The sky turned into a fiery canvas, reflecting off the water and creating a surreal atmosphere. The vast expanse of the river seemed to merge with the sky in a dance of colours. There is a peace in all my visits there, when my family are all together again: cooking, talking, and laughing into the long hours of the night.

Perhaps one of the most surreal sunsets I have ever witnessed was in January 2022, in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan. At the end of the Al-Siq gorge, through a narrow opening in the cliff face, you find yourself in a bustling square, and towering above you is the Treasury, carved into stone. The path down is lined with markets, fragrant with perfumes and alive with vibrant colours. Best of all, I remember the people; their warmth mirroring the golden light, their smiles as inviting as the treasures they sold. In the evening, as the sun began its descent, the light bathed the rose-red sandstone cliffs, accentuating the intricate carvings and monumental structures that have stood for centuries.

The Treasury, often the focal point of visitors’ admiration, glowed with an ethereal beauty. Walking back into the gorge, the air was filled with a profound stillness, as if the entire world paused to bask in the day’s final moments. It was a moment that connected the eternal charm of the present day to the profound history of this remarkable place.

Nothing beats standing in front of the city you grew up in, ‘Golden’ playing on the speaker, a joyful “Good morning London” shouted into the air and the amber hues warming the cold morning.

Sunrises too hold a special place in my heart. One particularly chilly morning in December 2020, my friend and I woke up at 5:30 to watch the sunrise on Primrose Hill. Though the forecast called for clouds, our plans were set and the flasks were filled. At first it was freezing and dark when we got to the top with not a soul about, but as the sky began to slowly turn from an inky blue to shades of pink and orange, so too the hill began to come alive. Better still, on that particular morning, a BBC Radio presenter arrived with her crew to share this moment with all of London. Music played, dog walkers chatted and as the first rays pierced the London skyline, the clouds melted away. Nothing beats standing in front of the city you grew up in, ‘Golden’ playing on the speaker, a joyful “Good morning London” shouted into the air and the amber hues warming the cold morning.

I want to finish with a sunrise that appeared on our doorstep. On 3 October 2022, one of my first days at Warwick, I was awake before dawn and decided on a whim to go for a walk. Turning the corner past Bluebell, I saw the sky come alive. A brilliant orange hue had spread across the surroundings, painting the horizon with a warm, fiery glow. The vibrant colours reflected off the large windows, turning them into a mosaic of radiant light. Standing there in awe, my favourite song ‘Bette Davis Eyes’ playing in my ears, I felt the fear of change start to fade, replaced by a sense of new beginnings captured in the soft morning light.

Sharing the sunscapes that I have seen is like allowing you to take a glimpse into my life – a trip to the museum that houses my memories.

Whether it is the dramatic illumination over Petra or the peaceful dawn at Primrose Hill, these sunscapes remind us not just of the profound connection we share with nature and the ever-present beauty that surrounds us, but also the memories that lace us to people around the world. Making dinner with my two close friends and then watching the film Soul as the sky outside turned a dazzling orange, reminded me of the simplicity of these heartfelt moments. Sharing the sunscapes that I have seen is like allowing you to take a glimpse into my life – a trip to the museum that houses my memories. These moments, shared with loved ones or experienced in solitude, offer a sense of wonder. May they be a peaceful reminder, that no matter how hard life may become, the sun will rise and set as it always does. So, wherever you are, take a moment to pause and witness the magic of the sun’s daily dance across the sky, and let it remind you of the beauty in our world that we all get to share.


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