Image: Martin Day / The Boar

Private security for Palestine protests cost University £150k

The University of Warwick has spent almost £150,000 on private security to manage protests on campus, The Boar can reveal.

Since 8 October 2023, the University has paid out £144,557.32 to private security companies to assist the community safety team in overseeing protests on campus.

The Boar understands that the University hired this additional security specifically in response to the numerous pro-Palestine protests on campus and the Warwick Stands with Palestine (WSWP) encampment.

SNSG Limited, a security provider based in Birmingham, were hired by the University to bolster campus staff, with private security often outnumbering campus security at protests during the year.

The University also permanently stationed SNSG members and campus security outside of Senate House when the WSWP encampment was set up opposite.

[It is] deplorable that Warwick can find money to hire a private police force […] but not support our students and communities amidst a devastating cost-of-living crisis

Warwick Stands With Palestine statement

After the WMG International Digital Laboratory was occupied in the early hours of 15 June the number of private security staff on campus increased greatly.

Responding to the revealed cost of the hiring of private security, a spokesperson for WSWP told The Boar that they were “outraged” and “found it deplorable that Warwick can find money to hire a private police force to crack down on protest but not support our students and communities amidst a devastating cost-of-living crisis.”

They added: “This money could have gone to reducing rent prices, improving on campus wellbeing and mental health services, making food more affordable, paying staff fair wages, and investing into scholarships for students from Gaza.”

The University of Warwick has been contacted for comment.


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