Bucket and spade/ Image: PickPik
Image: PickPik

The ultimate guide to a summer bucket list

Summer is just around the corner, despite the awful weather, and I’m sure many people are looking forward to their well-deserved break after deadline season. If university life has taught us anything, it is to maintain a good balance between work and fun. It is important to get the most out of the summer ahead before returning to university or work. The perfect way to do this, and also to ensure that the three months of summer do not escape you, is to create a summer bucket list. As students, we are aware that our summer, free from work, is limited, so now is the perfect time to plan your bucket list before returning to jobs or university.  I will be sharing ideas for summer bucket lists as well as sharing what my own bucket list includes. So, let’s see what a summer bucket list entails.

Making a summer bucket list is undoubtedly easier than actually completing the activities. There is no wrong way to make one, as everyone’s list will be different. I would suggest starting with something simple. Then, list your chosen activities with a note-taking app or a piece of paper. Add more details including who you will do the activity with, and where and when you want to complete it. Other than that, you can use your own creativity to create your perfect summer bucket list.

Food and drink
Unsurprisingly, there are many possibilities in this category for you to add to your list. Starting simple, you could learn to cook a new dish or bake something new. This would be fun and come in handy for when you return to university. Perhaps more appealing, you can learn to make cocktails over the summer. This is certainly an exciting pursuit, and an impressive skill once you nail your recipes. Alternatively, if you prefer one-off activities, then attending a BBQ or a picnic over the summer is certainly for you. As a foodie and cocktail lover, I will be adding most, if not all of these, to my list.

Hobbies and skills
Summer is the perfect time to pick up a new hobby. You have time to try multiple, and figure out which ones you prefer. S.J. Scott wrote in Develop Good Habits: “spending time doing an enjoyable activity that is not attached to work or other commitments will help increase your happiness and satisfaction with life”. Picking up a new hobby as part of your summer bucket list can be one that you continue for the rest of your life, unlocking a new means of enjoyment. This could lead you to perfect a new skill over the summer, another thing to tick off the bucket list. There are so many hobbies to choose from. Personally, I am going to learn how to crochet, as it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Also, I will be continuing my hobbies, such as reading and bracelet making, over the summer while I have more time.

Nature and travel
What better way to spend the summer than travelling? This could be going abroad, exploring a new place, or even visiting a friend that lives far away from you. Exploring somewhere new over the summer is an excellent way to spend your time, and can be done on a budget. Another perfect addition to the bucket list is to surround yourself with nature by watching a sunrise or sunset, going to the beach, or simply just walking in nature.

Exercise and sport
Perhaps you want to add something sporty to your list. Taking up running, attending a new gym class, or joining a sports team is the one for you. Running is definitely not for me, but I will be attending new gym classes. For example, I have always wanted to try reformer pilates, and so I will book some classes over summer.

Here are some more of my ideas that can hopefully inspire your own bucket lists. Volunteering, working part-time, or getting an internship is a great way to spend your summer whilst enriching your CV and helping others. Have you got a festival or concert you really want to go to over the summer? Then add it to the list. You could add attending a car boot sale – this is a great way to earn some extra cash or pick up some new clothes or items and there are many all over the UK over summer.

The possibilities to add to a summer bucket list really are endless. Hopefully some of these ideas have inspired you to add to your summer bucket lists. Happy summer.

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