Image: Album Cover / Ian Cheek PR

Been Stellar’s ‘Scream from New York, NY’: a meticulously crafted debut album

It cannot be said that lockdown was a blessing for too many people, particularly when it came to artists. However, the copious amounts of free time provided New York City-based band Been Stellar with an opportunity to really hone their sound. The result? The ‘stellar’ debut album, Scream from New York, NY.

Since the release of their self-titled EP in 2022, the five-piece has gone from strength to strength, supporting Irish band Fontaines D.C. and alternative band Shame, to most recently supporting The 1975 on the European leg of their tour. An impressive repertoire for a band who are yet to officially release their debut album. The critical acclaim that Scream from New York, NY has received upon its upcoming release is just another feather in Been Stellar’s cap.

The real standout of these two tracks is Laila Wayan’s persistent drumming which dominates the melody

‘Start Again’ is a crashing opener to Been Stellar’s debut album with a roaring drum beat that immediately pulls you into the crowded streets of New York. It is clear to see why the five-piece was chosen as the opener for the alternative band Fontaines D.C. as, while Been Stellar has a much grungier feel, parallels can be drawn between the two bands’ sound.

As lead vocalist Sam Slocum screams “New York wasted/ start again, start again”, the opening of ‘Passing Judgement’ begins, which has been crafted to a very similar standard as the opening track. Slocum’s frustration is embodied throughout the song as his raw vocals repeatedly scream out “Passing judgement without home/ Passing judgement without home”. However, the real standout of these two tracks is Laila Wayan’s persistent drumming which dominates the melody, highlighting the constant cacophony of noise that bounces off the streets of NYC.

‘Pumpkin’ and ‘Takedown’, offer a slower melody line, allowing some respite from the chaos that the surrounding tracks bring. ‘Takedown’ is driven by an electric guitar riff and Slocum’s more stripped-back vocals take centre stage. Although these two songs have a different feel to them compared to the remaining eight tracks, the busy instrumentation and storytelling tie each of the ten tracks together, reflective of Radiohead’s The Bends.

This is an album that has been meticulously crafted, the placement of each of the ten tracks has been thought through with significant attention to detail

The driving drum beat takes hold once again during ‘All In One’, breaking through the electric guitar riff of ‘Takedown’. The same is heard during the eponymous ‘Scream from New York, NY’, with the instrumentation building up anticipation as the song progresses, opening with the intriguing lyric, “it’s the end of the world / and I feel fine”. The exploding choruses throughout the eponymous track render it a standout on the album.

Meanwhile, the songs that reside in the centre of the album, ‘Shimmer’ and ‘Sweet’, embody that, despite the shining production on each of the tracks, there is still a rawness, with both songs culminating in an intersection of different rhythms leaving the listener drenched in the nihilism that the tracks express.

The tenth and final song of the album, ‘I Have the Answer’ is the perfect ending to the album, mixing together different aspects of each of the songs of the album: the powerful drum beat of ‘All In One’, elements of stripped-back vocals, similar to ‘Pumpkin’, and the pensive lyricism of ‘Scream from New York, NY’. The final chorus, “I have the answer/ just for a little while/ I know what it is like/ just for a little while”, is backed by a soaring electric guitar, until all that is left to hear is the feedback of the guitars, fading out, emulating the quietening and slowing down of the city, and bringing the listener crashing down.

This is an album that has been meticulously crafted, the placement of each of the ten tracks has been thought through with significant attention to detail, taking every listener on a journey, and dragging them around every twist and bend of the streets of New York.

With Scream from New York, NY only being Been Stellar’s debut album, their projection into stardom and how their sound evolves from this point forward will be interesting to witness.

Recommended Tracks: ‘Pumpkin’, ‘I Have the Answer’



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