Till We Meet Again
If it is summer, we can have a picnic,
Stretch out on the lawn with songs that remind us of summers long ago,
Where we can return to that state of joy
Without looming concerns of an issue much greater than the world can handle.
We can go for a walk and bask in the golden days to come,
Drink in the gloss of the setting sun
Where glittering yellows intertwine with light pinks and deep purples.
The sky paints a picture of the beauty of friendship,
As we relearn our appreciation for the company of others.
The warmth of friends huddled in one place,
Stretches to the souls of the down beat and the outcasted.
Do you remember the time we went out dancing?
With freedom guiding us forward,
We ran out into the night,
Beckoning the world to let us have one last song in our burst of youth.
Or when we explored on that walk?
It was the untrodden path,
But we did not care,
We were young and nothing was stopping us.
We got to a forest,
Where warm oak hugged our curiosity
And a path of orange crunchy leaves trickled like maple syrup,
Creating a sweet setting as we went further and further into the unknown.
Do you remember the nights on the beach?
Just me and you.
I miss those moments of closeness,
Nothing needs to be said or done,
Just two friends enjoying each other’s company.
It is a peaceful place to be,
I hope to return there someday soon.
I miss noisy nights,
With boisterous chatter where an inexplicable excitement lingers in the air,
Those are the moments where anything seems possible,
Where we run into the night with our arms stretched wide
trying to catch what is left of the freedom on the streets.
To passers-by, we look like a group of mess and chaos,
but to us it is refreshing to get a glimpse of the last of the wild ones.
These are the nights where our friendships go to the depths of the ocean,
we sing wildly,
encouraging loved ones with soft tunes sweeter than strawberries,
Our lyrics harmonise with the rhythms of all that is good.
One day we will return to those nights.
I look forward to our future adventures,
When we can discover hidden gems beneath our feet
Or even return to our old favourite places as if experiencing them for the first time, all over again.
All this does not mean I would not rather have you here, with me, today,
Sharing thoughts and prayers,
Laughter and smiles,
But for now, we will keep dreaming of tomorrow, till we meet again.