University of Warwick announces end of Term 1 arrangements
The University of Warwick has announced provisional plans for students to return home at the end of term.
In an email, the University said they do not have confirmed information from the Government, but have put plans in place for students’ departure.
Blended teaching will continue “until the end of week 9 (4 December)”. Teaching in week 10 will be moved online in line with the Government’s student travel window.
The University said: “There are some exceptions to this where face to face teaching will continue into week 10, including: MBChB (WMS); International Foundation Studies (WFS); any lab work for second year students that may still be needed in lab-based sciences as prerequisites for term 2.”
As for the asymptomatic tests for students, the University does not know how many tests they will be provided with.
Last week, the University confirmed they had expressed interest in the Government’s mass-testing scheme.
An email sent today said: “We expect most of the testing to take place on campus from 30 November to 6 December so anyone testing positive can complete their isolation without having to be on campus over key holiday dates.”
“You will need to take two tests three days apart. If the results of both of your tests are negative, we encourage you to travel home immediately (within 24 hours of the second test).”
Students who receive a positive test result will need to self-isolate for 10 days before they are allowed to travel.
The email continued: “In a change to current requirements, anyone who tests positive as part of the mass testing programme will not require the rest of their household to self-isolate too.
“If you test negative but are identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive, you can return home wherever possible but must continue self-isolation at home for a period of 14 days.”
The University will be providing more information on the testing and departure arrangements, as well as plans for Term 2.
“We’re sharing our intended plans at this stage but we are still waiting for government information, particularly on testing and the availability of tests,” the University said.
“We will update you if there are any changes that impact on our planned approach.”