Image: Pexels

Which tablet is best suited to your degree?

Investing in a new piece of technology for university can be very inviting with the prospect of student discounts from Microsoft and Apple, but deciding on the right tablet can be difficult. If you want something which bridges the gap between tablet and laptop then the Microsoft Surface seems to be the obvious choice. However, depending on the degree you are studying and the features you’re looking for, there might be better options for you.

The additions of a pen and full sized keyboard with the Surface means you can write essays with ease and annotate notes on PDF documents. However, iPads do also have compatible keyboards that you can purchased through third party companies to attach to all spec of iPad, from the Mini to the Pro. This has made it a contender against the Surface when considering a laptop/tablet hybrid. However, a major drawback is that the Apple stylus is reserved for the iPad Pro, so you would need to pay out more through Apple to have this functionality. Nevertheless, if your degree is mainly essays/ reports with very few worksheets where you would benefit from a stylus, then it is not a necessary feature.

If you have been converted to the Apple universe through iPhones and Macs, then the ease of syncing up an iPad cannot be contested…

If you have been converted to the Apple universe through iPhones and Macs, then the ease of syncing up an iPad cannot be contested. Using the familiar interface is far less stressful than setting up a new device and uploading new apps to customise the tablet to your preferred settings. Subtle differences in the Surface’s interface can be frustrating to learn when you are used to the Apple way. In particular, you may need to repurchase apps that you already own on Windows for use on an iPad and vice versa.

Image: Microsoft Surface, Sinchen.Lin / Flickr

For instance, unlike the Surface, Apple uses the app iBooks to view eBooks which is especially useful for students undertaking a book-heavy course. All classical literature is free to download, which is very useful for humanities students, especially when analysing text because you can highlight and comment on selected excerpts. Also, there is an array of textbooks on the app, which will save you from lugging around heavy library books!

…the Surface truly excels with the use of the pen to annotate PDF files or write straight onto the screen.

You can use the Kindle App on both Windows and Apple devices, but if you have already purchased books through iBooks these cannot be converted to Kindle. Therefore, if you have a large back catalogue in iBooks, the iPad would be a better alternative. However, the Surface truly excels with the use of the pen to annotate PDF files or write straight onto the screen. This proves to be increasingly handy during revision time, as you can create mind maps and write over worksheets from your module website.

Image: Apple iPad, Должен Жаргалсайхан / Wikimedia Commons

Another consideration is whether you want this to double as an entertainment system and educational device. If you have to travel far to get to university, then a tablet from either company is ideal to pass the time doing anything from watching movies to gaming. As previously mentioned, if you have an Apple account and have made purchases on iTunes then these will not be transferred to the Surface. By staying with Apple you can keep your purchases, and even use the family sharing option to download items onto your iPad which other family members have purchased. Contrastingly, the Windows Surface is a separate entity and you would need to be prepared to spend time and money to collate the same apps and files.

A tablet from either company is ideal to pass the time doing anything from watching movies to gaming…

When deciding which piece of tech to invest in, it mainly comes down to whether you are a major fan of Apple products and do not want to repurchase any items by shifting to the Surface. On the other hand, if you value the Surface’s stylus feature and are replacing a laptop, the Surface could become the equivalent of two devices, allowing you to swap and change depending on your need.




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