Movember Special: Cricket and Rowing unleash the ‘stache
Warwick Rowers ditch the razors
‘To change the face of men’s health’ is the keynote of Movember, an annual event that involves the growing of moustaches in order to raise awareness of men’s health problems. And to be honest, the statistics terrified us – did you know that prostate cancer is going to double in the next 15 years? Moreover, every year, poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life.

Image: Warwick Rowing
For these, and many more reasons, we – 17 members of Warwick Rowing Club – decided to grow our moustaches and help to make a difference.
Thanks to Facebook and Instagram posts, we have not only pressed the issue of male’s physical and mental struggles, but also gained support from our kind friends, caring families and generous strangers. However, as one member of our team pointed out: “Movember is not just another one-day pin on your coat as in the case of many charities. You grow a moustache that becomes a part of your personal identity for a month as you care for more than a moment.”
So far we have managed to raise £1,133, which puts Warwick Rowing 197th place in the national ranking. Still, throughout the month and beyond we continue to show support for our brothers in need.
Men’s health a priority for Warwick Cricket
The University of Warwick Men’s Cricket Club (UWMCC) takes part in Movember every year. Last year we raised £1994, which was more money than any other club in the Warwick network. The reason we’re so committed to it is because we acknowledge the importance of spreading awareness for some of the biggest health issues faced by men.
Additionally, we like to spend a month not shaving so that we can find out how bad we really look with moustaches! We usually get a decent number of members taking part and we encourage the rest of the club to get behind them.
So far this Movember we sit in second place behind Warwick Rowing Club, but there are rumours flying around UWMCC that the majority of donations should be expected to come in over the last few days of November.
Whether we raise the most money or not, we all take part in this month of no shaving because we know that whatever we raise, however small and insignificant it may seem, we are making a difference for others out there who genuinely need it.
- Image: University of Warwick Men’s Cricket Club.
Which Movember moustache is best? Tweet @BoarSport with #UWMCCMo1 #UWMCCMo2