Going the extracurricular mile
Transitioning to university can be nerve wracking, but it should ultimately be an exciting and wonderful experience that one will never forget. It is crucial for you to keep on top of your studies after putting in so much effort and hard work to get into a university like Warwick. However, it is more important to get yourself involved in a few sports clubs and societies to have an well-rounded university experience.
Some may think that societies are a waste of time and it will impact their studies, but in fact they are one of the best ways to enhance one’s abilities and perform better both academically and socially! Joining clubs and societies are not only a way to take a break from intense studying, but also enable you to meet like-minded people who share the same interests as you.
If you are the career orientated type, joining societies will have real benefits for your employability. It will increase your knowledge, abilities, and skills in order to boost your appeal to employers who value experience of team work, effective communication, and a positive work ethic.
Societies are not only a way to take a break from intense studying, but also enable you to meet like-minded people
At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter what societies or clubs you are part of, because by being an active member in any society you will notice a difference. It is usually a good start to check out the sports and societies fair during fresher’s week – it can be a good opportunity for you to see what Warwick has to offer and which societies you may be interested in.
Joining a cultural society is usually the easier way to make new friends who are from a similar background as you. If you are into dancing, there’s the Bollywood Dance, Belly Dance and Hip Hop Dance: EQHO society etc.
It doesn’t matter what societies you are part of, because being an active member in any society will make a difference
If you are someone who is keen to make an impact on society, AISEC or ENACTUS may be the one for you. Warwick also offers a lot of interesting and unusual societies like Jailbreak, Poker, Cheese and Chocolate, Mafia and Warwick Pantomime Society etc. There are 250 up and running student societies and 65 sports club in Warwick, there is bound to be one for you!