Alpacas/ Image: Flickr/ Franz Josef Heinrichs
Image: Flickr/ Franz Josef Heinrichs

Culture Shocks: Al-paca your bags

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]ackpacking across South America for two months this summer meant weeks of indulgent eating (and drinking).

I told myself I should try and eat as many local delicacies as I could stomach. Ranging from the vast choices of barbequed meats in Brazil and the tender Bife de Chorizos of Argentina on the east coast to the more traditional staples of Potatoes, Corn and Rice that are popular amongst the Andean nations, I wasn’t let down when it came to variety.

It was Peru however, that really surprised me when it came to food. Not only was food, much like everything in Peru, extremely cheap but it was always freshly cooked and surprisingly good.

Upon arrival in Cusco, I decided to hunt out the first of my Peruvian musts… “Cuy” (Guinea Pig). Largely a touristy option for most restaurants, it was relatively easy to find a place for me to lose my Guinea Pig virginity, much to the disgust of my female companion at the time.

Costing me £10 and charred to perfection, my half-rodent meal came with both rice and potatoes and a complimentary glass of chicha (a local corn beer) and tasted like a gamey chicken with the odd hair thrown in on top. Not the most appealing of meals for many I’m sure but for the adventurous traveller, Guinea Pig is a must.

it was relatively easy to find a place for me to lose my Guinea Pig virginity, much to the disgust of my female companion at the time

For the next Peruvian classic, I had to wait until I had made it to Arequipa, near the border with Chile, where whilst on an expedition to the Colca Canyon I was able to buy a grilled Alpaca skewer from a street vendor for 50p.

Not surprisingly Alpaca tasted like lean lamb but I was assured that as they were not really bred for meat, I should instead try my luck with Llama.

I did manage to get a taste of Llama on my penultimate day in Peru, however it was a bit of a cheat as it came in the form of a Llama burger stacked with bacon, nachos and cheese.

Nonetheless I can safely say it was one of the best burgers I’ve ever had and capped off a fantastic time in what was my favourite South American country.


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