Boar Sport Club Files: Women’s Rugby
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Work hard, play harder.
Words of advice for any incoming club freshers
Don’t be nervous to give rugby a go! It’s a fantastic, inclusive sport where you’ll forge life-long bonds with your team-mates. The camaraderie you experience in a rugby club is unlike any other sports team. Most of the girls have never played contact rugby before coming to university, and absolutely loved it. If you’re worried about contact, it is introduced gradually, and the current girls and coaches are there to guide you through it, every step of the way.
Targets for next season
To increase our club membership and participation, secure a promotion, maintain our unbeaten record at Varsity, and dispel the myths surrounding women’s rugby.
Training times and venues
We train every Monday and Thursday on Westwood Tarkett Pitch, at 5:00-6:30PM, with our two excellent coaches. This year, we have kindly been given access to one of Leamington Rugby Football Club’s pitches every other Monday.
Club President
Katie Thomas: law extraordinaire by day, POP princess by night.
Number of members
34. We’re one of the smallest clubs on campus, which gives us a close-knit bond, on and off the pitch. This year, we’re going to broaden our membership options. There will be no pressure to play in matches if you don’t want to; simply train with us, or join us at our weekly circle and other social events.
Leamington tag rugby tournament with paul sackey playing for St Theresa's
— WWRFC (@WarwickWomenRFC) June 19, 2015
Teams and Competitions
Number of teams
We have one team, who play in the BUCS Midlands 2B league. Our games are every Wednesday at 2:00pm. Last season, we came second in the League. On days when we don’t have matches, we generally do an extra training session.
Biggest Social
Tour! We celebrate the end of term two with a secret trip abroad, planned by our socials. It’s a great way to kick off the Easter holiday, and solidify the friendships made throughout the year. Our time away is crammed with activities, challenges, nights out and horrendously beautiful fancy dress.
Good training session over here at the Tarkett. Getting pumped for our big game wednesday!!!
— WWRFC (@WarwickWomenRFC) December 1, 2014
Gaelle Rolland, for two reasons. One: she manages to look photogenic in action shots, a rare talent (check out the freshers; booklet, page 14, for proof). Two: she may be the coolest person you ever meet.
Last year saw the reintroduction of our Charity and Welfare Officer role. We proudly sponsored Coventry Rape And Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC) and hosted two pub quizzes in aid of the charity, and hope to build on this success this coming year.