Pint of Purple: Ann Yip, News Editor

What book are you reading at the moment?

Ha, I rarely have any time for reading. Reading? What reading? The last book I read over Christmas was Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson. It is a great book, but very dark and violent. The novel is about Tan-Tan, the mayor’s daughter who is ‘kidnapped’ or unknowingly follows her father into exile. Then things spiral into ‘what the fuck?!’

Who is your favourite literary character?

8708979071_8b840e2f0f_zEmma Woodhouse from Jane Austen’s Emma: “ Handsome, rich and clever, with a comfortable home and a happy disposition”. She is such a fun character who is haughty, full of attitude, and unromantic, or even anti-romantic. But then again, she can be a bit ‘bitchy’.

What is the first book you remember reading?

When I was five, I read the easy-to-read versions of David Copperfield and Great Expectations. I loved following David’s and Pip’s stories and I would read the books over and over again. Another of my favourites was my first-ever visual HTML book for my ninth birthday. I absolutely adored it to bits as I was in love with website interaction and platforms.

What is your all-time favourite book?

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. Heathcliff was the tragic demented villain that you could relate to and sympathise with. It is such a beautiful novel showing the distorted side of passion. Cathy was a little hopeless. And all the characters who bullied poor little Heathcliff!

If you wrote an autobiography, what would be the title?

I’m not Hipster, I’m just a middle-class girl pretending to be Ghetto.

Kindle vs. book?

6652794703_88c5eb720f_zI’m a traveler, so I know the importance of having a Kindle. If the course text is not on Kindle, I might not even read it! I am also a minimalist in a sense. I hate having too much stuff and too many things to bring around. I am that annoying Literature student who tries to get rid of all her books at the end of the year. I prefer the reading experience of a hard copy, but my modern practicality says Kindle.

How much is a pint of purple?

It’s only £1.5 in the Copper Rooms, but it’s something like £2 at the Terrace Bar and Bar Fusion? I don’t buy a pint of purple on its own anyway.

Image Credits: Header (Flickr/tout_moi), Image 1 (Flickr/Pamela), Image 2 (Flickr/smOK1nggnu)


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