#I’llRideWideWithYou – How Australia reminded us of humanity
[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n 15the December the events in Sydney stunned the world and Australia was naturally, gripped by fear as they dreaded what would happen to the hostages on that ill-fated day. However, what was lingering upon Muslims not only in Australia but around the world was how one mans actions would yet again tarnish the entire Muslim community.
The media ensured to highlight the religious background of Shiekh Man Haron Moni and implied the attack to be of an ‘Islamic’ nature that unavoidably paints a different image of Islam to viewers and inevitably strengthens the Islamophobic views some have within the western world. By claiming the attack to be an “Islamic” attack, the media, intentionally or not, revived negativity against Muslims. However, after the siege, Australians showed immense solidarity towards their Australian Muslims and rebuked any religious affiliation to the attack.
When, I first heard of the siege, I was shocked and then saddened of the thought of what would follow. Many, hate messages towards Muslims and Islam, a religion of peace would ensue. Once again, the entire community would have to pay for the actions of one individual, whose thoughts and actions do not even comply with Islam and do not in any way represent Islam. However, when I came upon a shared status on my Facebook page about the ‘I’ll Ride With You’ trend that was taking shape it filled my heart with hope. Hope that there are people who know how to distinguish immoral people from their actions and not their religion, hope that ignorance had not prevailed, and hope that humanity is still rife among us.
However, when I came upon a shared status on my Facebook page about the ‘I’ll Ride With You’ trend that was taking shape it filled my heart with hope.
The act of one person can either destroy a nation or evolve a nation. The brave act of Rachel Jacob’s encouraged others to stand by their fellow Australian Muslims rather than hold them responsible for the attack. When Jacobs, witnessed a Muslim woman remove her hijab off on a train ‘silently’ due to fear of being subjected to hatred, her conscience prompted her to follow that Muslim woman and extend her support to walk beside her, with her hijab on. I applaud the woman who voiced her support for Muslims within Australia and taught the rest of the world not to discriminate or hold the entire Muslim race for one individuals cowardice act.
Within twelve hours the hash tag ‘I’llRideWithYou’ was tweeted more that 150,00 times and became the trend on the site. This was perhaps the first time that Muslims were shown support by non-Muslims after an attack that was carried out by a crazed criminal. Australians citizens paved the way for countries such as the UK and America in recognising that an act of terrorism is not associated with religion. That the small minority who carry out these heinous crimes are not representatives of Islam. What this event has also highlighted is the immense guilt and fear Muslims face in western countries when such attacks occur.
The fact that the woman travelling on the same public transport she has taken for perhaps many years, felt she would be targeted and individualised because of her religion, shows the perception most western countries hold and the enormity of Islamophobia. Thankfully, though, we have learnt that only a minority hold such ignorant and bigoted views and people like Rachel exist to remind us of our humanity. My prayers and condolences go out to the families of those who lost their loved ones and to those who went through such an ordeal.
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Footer image: flickr / descrier