Branded Politics?
Talkshow host, comedian and notorious celebrity Russell Brand recently called for revolution.
I don’t really have a problem with what Brand wants, give or take. But there’s something wrong in his outlook. It’s not his vagueness; it’s his damaging attitude to politics that is stifling this country’s democracy that is the issue.
Brand’s argument is as follows: politicians have failed large sections of society (true), which shows our political system to be in a bad way (true), so let’s do nothing about it (err…). The logic is awful. If he really wanted to change things, he’d vote. If he had any political sense, he’d vote. If he saw that politics is about more than just the current set of politicians, he’d vote. But he never has. By not voting, Brand perpetuates the state of political decay.
At the moment, bettering the world has ceased to become a priority. I agree, it’s tough – many people have tried to reform it, and maybe they’ve given up. Yet his apathy is apparently thought through. He says ‘it’s government policy’ not to listen, so it’s not worth trying. Well elect another one! The tools for change have been to hand for centuries.
I can see why some people are ‘political’ in a broad sense. Someone can hold values and visions and not watch the BBC Parliament channel 24/7. And that’s probably the fault of successive governments. But fight back.
Don’t say ‘they’re all the same’
Politicians aren’t radical because too many of us don’t vote, so they appeal to the minorities that pay attention. What’s more, there are alternatives. Is the Green Party the same as the coalition?
If we don’t seek out parties with ideas or politicians with integrity, this country will not change. If every disgruntled, disillusioned person in this country changed their apathy into a vote or two, we’d be in with a very good chance of rocking the current political system.