Top ten reasons to join the Boar

Top ten reasons to join the Boar:

1. We are the UK’s Student Publication of the Year

We were voted Student Publication of the Year by Ones to Watch, which is run in collaboration with the student section of the Guardian.

2. We have a very active membership

We are one of the biggest societies on campus and that’s not without good reason…

3. We provide training to all our members

You can be a part of our mentor scheme, where we will partner you with someone on our editorial board who will help answer any questions you have, proof read your first articles and be a friendly face to go to your first social with.

As a member of the Boar you can attend all of our mini-lecture series ‘Boar Talks’ sessions for free, which provide a talk on a topic in journalism.

We will also train you in industry standard software like InDesign and Photoshop and how to use WordPress like a pro.

4. We have regular socials that cater for everyone

Whether it’s a movie night, bowling, karaoke or a ‘Boar crawl’ (you’ll get used to our terrible puns) we host fantastic socials.

Once you sign up you’ll be updated with the latest social events, or join the fresher’s facebook group. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come along! 🙂

5. You will make some amazing friends

As cliché as it sounds, you will meet fantastic like-minded people with a common interest in journalism and the media. It won’t be long before you make some off your best friends at university through the society.

6. You writing will be read by thousands of people

You can see your name in print, distributed to thousands of students right across campus and your work will be read by the tens of thousands of people who visit our website each month.

7. Our weekly newsletter will provide you with fantastic opportunities

We can help you get work experience, let you know when student journalism conferences are on, and of course writing experience.

8. We’re older than Coventry University

It’s our 40th anniversary this year; we’re one of the oldest things on campus. Not quite as old as Rootes but older than the Koan, most accommodation buildings and the big screen on the Piazza.

9. We have 14 sections, a business team, a photography team, a sub-editing team… there are countless way to get involved with the paper

Whether you want to break news, share your opinion, write about sport, fashion, arts, games, reviews – we have a section to meet your needs.

We are also self-sufficient and rely on our fantastic business team to keep the paper afloat. You will be responsible for a paper with a £20k turnover. Not bad business experience.

We also have a dedicated team of sub editors who scrutinise all our copy before it goes to print to make sure it is prefect.

We have elections at the end of the year to become a section editor, or deputy editor etc. There are opportunities throughout the year to become a deputy section editor too.

10. It’s only £3 for the whole year

£3 doesn’t go far these days. It may get you a pint if you’re lucky. It may pay your bus fair to Leamington. It probably won’t get you into Kasbah, Smack or many SU nights.

It will get you a year’s membership to one of the biggest and most active societies on campus that will provide you with the opportunity to develop yourself as a writer, surrounded by people who are passionate about student journalism.

11. We don’t play by the rules

Student journalism is the sandbox of the industry. Without commercial interests we have the room to take risks, with content, design and articles. This is a great time to make mistakes, because you will learn from them and you won’t make them again when you go on to your illustrious career, with a little help from your student newspaper.

You can join the Boar here!

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