Education barometer highlights problems with feedback.
The findings of a recent education barometer at the University have highlighted some problems with the way in which departments are handling exam feedback.
170 student responses out of a sample of 260 stated that exam feedback was the main priority for students.
Within the faculty of Social Sciences, widespread differences were reported. The Department of Politics and International Studies (PaIS) was the only one to provide comprehensive feedback, which included not only a mark received by students on individual questions but accompanying comments to help the student understand areas in which he/she has done particularly well in, or under performed.
Philosophy and Education provided general cohort feedback but most departments actually offered no official feedback at all including Warwick Business School, Law, Economics and Sociology.
The Department of Economics this year has introduced a script return system for £10 each. However Miguel Costa Matos, Undergraduate Social Sciences Faculty Representative said this was “unfair and detrimental to Warwick’s Widening Participation agenda.” Other issues with the script return system was that its availability was not circulated well, and that there was only a small window in which these scripts could actually have been bought. Furthermore, the accompanying piece of paper with the script does state that the student must not show it to any academic faculty which some argue is counter-intuitive.