Warwick ranks 39th in tea-league

P10301792Warwick has ranked just 39th in the tea-drinking university league tables.

The Student Beans survey reveals Warwick students only drink an average of 1.71 cups of tea per day. Rivals Coventry University came 52nd.

The aptly-named Teesside University bagged the top spot with just shy of three cups a day.

Plymouth appears particularly brew-less with just 0.38 cups drank per student.

But first-year English student Daniel Cope seems to buck the Warwick trend. “I drink about four cups a day on average,” he commented.

Robin Kerrison, a second-year Maths student, offers a suggestion for the low figure. He said: “Our high proportion of EU/international students could explain it, however. Home students love tea almost invariably.”

The survey also shows top universities place low when it comes to tea drinking. Cambridge, who topped the Guardian University League Table 2013, placed 82nd in the tea leagues.

The comparison also reveals that Warwick drinks the most tea out of the top ten UK universities.

On Cambridge’s results, Mr Cope said: “They must be coffee people then – more caffeine! Either that or they aren’t very patriotic.”

“The correlation makes no sense,” said third-year Biomedical Science student Katy Braddick. “I thought it would have been the opposite!”

The study also revealed northern universities drink more tea than those in the south.

According to the UK Tea Council, 165 million cups of tea are drank in Britain daily, averaging out at around 2.75 per capita.

Previous surveys have revealed Warwick ranks even lower in terms of drinking alcohol, coming 52nd in 2011.


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