Malaysian exchange for Warwick medics
**Warwick Medical School (WMS) students will soon have the chance to study in Malaysia as part of a new exchange initiative between Warwick and a Malaysian university.**
Warwick and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), located in Borneo, signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at the UNIMAS campus on Monday 18 January to collaborate towards the student exchange.
UNIMAS vice-chancellor Prof. Datuk Dr Khairuddin Ab Hamid and Warwick’s Adjunct Associate Professor of Surgery, Prof. Dr Peter Abrahams signed the MOU as representatives of their respective universities.
The idea for the partnership stemmed from a friendship between Prof Abrahams and Prof Goh Hak Su from UNIMAS.
Initially, one student from Warwick and UNIMAS will be sent in each direction and the exchange will last between four and six weeks.
A spokesperson for Warwick said that while the exchange may begin this year, “the more likely scenario is that it will be for next year to allow time for interviews in each school.”
He could not comment on whether the exchange might be offered to students from other subject areas in future.
The exchange will be managed by the WMS administrative team and is privately funded by donors who wish to remain anonymous. There will consequently be no cost to Warwick or UNIMAS. Language skills will not be required as all academic teaching at UNIMAS is conducted in English.
Prof Abrahams explained how the exchange will benefit both Warwick and UNIMAS students:
“This is an opportunity for students to witness a healthcare system in a developing country,” he said.
“There is the significant benefit of being able to experience life overseas, which we know stands our students in good stead. Equally, the Sarawakian students would be able to see the NHS in action and meet people from a different background.”