Warwick Hustings for Young Labour

**On Saturday 9 February, the Warwick Hustings for Young Labour took place in the SUHQ.**

The event, which stretched from 1pm to 6.30pm, attracted members of Young Labour from all over the country and was live streamed on the internet in collaboration with _LSE Impact!_.

Chaired by its host Tony Richards, the event was an opportunity for those present, those either watching the livestream or on Twitter and those who had submitted questions online beforehand, to grill some of the candidates for Young Labour positions which will be contested at the Young Labour 2013 Conference in Leicester on March 2 and 3.

The Hustings covered seven positions overall: Youth Representative on Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC Youth Rep), Young Labour Ordinary Representative, Vice Chair Policy, Regional Representatives, International Officer, Under 19’s Officer and National Chair of Young Labour.

The Hustings were organised by Ben Murray, third-year Politics student at Warwick and also a candidate for the International Officer position. Ben was happy with the event, stating that “it seems to be most people’s view that the event was a success. We had a packed double room, and over 200 people joined us via the livestream.”

One of the candidates for NEC Youth Rep, Bex Bailey, a student at LSE, believed that the event was very important in the lead up to the Young Labour 2013 Conference.

“I think it’s really important that members have the chance to ask us questions,” she said.

Ms Bailey also commended the technology involved in the event, noting that it meant “finance isn’t a barrier for those who are participating but unable to come”.

There were two candidates who answered questions via Skype, as well as those involved online in the live chat and Twitter.

Thomas Messenger, President of Warwick Labour, also gave his opinions on the day, saying: “It was fantastic to hold this event at Warwick as it’s so rare for Young Labour events to be held outside of London.

“I had quite a few people come up to me today and express that they’ve never been to a Young Labour event before, but would love to attend other ones in the future.”

Mr Messenger also went on to add how great it was to get the opportunity to meet other Labour members from outside Warwick, and commended Ben Murray for organising the event.


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